April 24, 2020

Due to the restrictions around COVID-19, application deadlines, testing procedures, and program start dates for some Nursing programs at Three Rivers College have been changed.

From Three Rivers College
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Due to the restrictions around COVID-19, application deadlines, testing procedures, and program start dates for some Nursing programs at Three Rivers College have been changed.

The application deadline for the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Day Program (RN), which was originally March 1 and then changed to March 27, is now July 20. This program will now begin January 2021.

The NLN PAX-RN entrance examination for this program will be given remotely.

The application deadline for the Evening LPN-RN Bridge Program, which was originally March 1 and then changed to March 27, is now May 15. This program will begin October 2020.

The NLN PAX-RN and HESI LPN-ADN examinations needed for this program will be given remotely.

Students who have not taken the NLN PAX-RN exam, but have already registered for a previous testing date that was cancelled due to the ransomware cyberattack or COVID-19 do not need to register again. NLN Customer Service will contact them regarding the creation of an account and registration for a one-on-one test session. There is a $35 fee that will be required at the time of registration. This fee will be paid by the student.

Students who are interested in registering to take the NLN PAX-RN entrance exam can go to trcc.edu/testing and scroll down to the NLN paragraph, click on the link and register and pay for the exam. Once that is completed, NLN Customer Service will contact the student regarding the creation of an account and registration for a one-on-one test session. There is a $35 fee that will be required at the time of registration. This fee will be paid by the student.

Tests can be taken on the student’s schedule, at their location, and with their computer as often as they want. Exams must be completed by the program’s application deadline.

For questions about NLN exam registration, please contact the NLN at studenthelp@nln.org.

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The two-year Day and Evening AAS in Nursing programs are designed to prepare students to apply for licensure by examination as a registered nurse. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for registered nurses is excellent now and into the future. The compensation and benefits, as well as the diverse opportunities for continuing education and professional growth, make nursing a most attractive career, said Dr. Staci Foster, Chair of Nursing and Allied Health at Three Rivers College. The occupational outlook for registered nurses can be found here: www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm.

Admission will be suspended this year for the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Evening Program (RN), which typically has an application deadline of May 1.

Three Rivers’ LPN-to-RN Bridge program is a career-enhancement program designed to allow Missouri LPNs to earn an associate degree and prepare to apply for licensure by examination as a registered nurse. On average, registered nurses earn higher salaries, perform at higher skill levels, and enjoy more advancement opportunities than LPNs, Foster said. Salary information for LPNs from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics can be found here: www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/licensed-practical-and-licensed-vocational-nurses.htm.

All Three Rivers nursing programs offer challenging course work, close interaction with faculty, and diverse clinical experiences. The programs have proven pass rates for licensure exams and high job placement rates. These rates can be found on the Nursing Program application.

“These programs offer our students career advancement possibilities, and we want to give every opportunity for students wanting to join the programs to apply,” said Foster.

Students must complete an application and meet certain criteria to be admitted into Three Rivers’ nursing programs.

Applicants for the RN and LPN-RN Bridge programs must have a minimum 2.0 GPA and an NLN PAX-RN score of 110 or higher. Information on NLN PAX-RN testing is in the application packet. No specific classes must be completed to apply to the program. LPN-to-RN Bridge applicants must have a valid LPN license.

Foster advises that all admissions materials, including official copies of transcripts from high school and other colleges, must be received by the appropriate deadline. The fillable PDF application forms for the Nursing programs can be found online at trcc.edu/admissions/application. Prospective students must also complete a free Three Rivers application.

Nursing program applications can be emailed to Virginia Watson at vwatson@trcc.edu or faxed to 573-840-9055. Those who cannot email or fax their applications should contact Watson for alternate drop-off instructions.

For more information about the nursing programs or the admission process, contact Staci Foster at stacifoster@trcc.edu.

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