April 22, 2020

As many people I’m sure are aware, spring turkey hunting season is upon us. For many this can be a welcome relief after having a long winter. For some this is their favorite time of year. Unfortunately, due to several years of bad hatches, increased predator populations and feral hogs, turkey populations are not what they have been in years past. There is good news though, it is still possible to harvest turkeys in Butler County...

Mark Skelton

As many people I’m sure are aware, spring turkey hunting season is upon us. For many this can be a welcome relief after having a long winter. For some this is their favorite time of year.

Unfortunately, due to several years of bad hatches, increased predator populations and feral hogs, turkey populations are not what they have been in years past. There is good news though, it is still possible to harvest turkeys in Butler County.

During the opening day of the season in Butler County over 13 birds were harvested.

With every changing season, there are various regulations to keep in mind. These regulations, and any that have changed or been added, can be found in the 2020 spring turkey hunting pamphlet. This free resource can be found where permits are sold such as at Walmart.

Often it seems as though people have the impression that conservation agents have access to rule books the public does not. This is simply not true. Any time you call an agent or ask one a question, the answer that is given can be found in any of the free publications, whether it be from a Wildlife Code book, or the current hunting pamphlet.

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I want to focus on just a couple regulations for turkey season in this article today, the first being to make sure that you have purchased your spring turkey hunting permit. This is the first step to being a legal turkey hunter.

When people ask me about permits, I explain to them that it is no different than a ticket to a concert or a movie. No one can go watch a movie, then purchase their ticket afterwards. Just like you cannot kill a turkey then purchase your permit.

Another regulation is one that can often be overlooked, and that is making sure to have your permit with you while you are turkey hunting. This may seem to be a simple or irrelevant regulation, but it is really in place to protect the hunter.

Once a turkey has been killed, the taker must “notch” their permit even before the turkey can be moved. If the hunter does not have their permit with them, then it is impossible to “notch” what you don’t have with you. Having your permit on person can be satisfied a couple of different ways. One way is to carry your paper permit with you while hunting, or to have the MOHunt app on your phone and to carry your phone with you. When logged into the MOHunt app, all valid purchased permits are available, and permits can be “notched” directly from your phone.

Although these regulations may be simple, they can be easily overlooked. So keep these two things in mind and enjoy spring turkey hunting season.

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