April 3, 2020

The Poplar Bluff City Council announced early Friday afternoon that its meeting Monday will be closed to the public due to the threat of COVID-19. The decision is also based on the governor’s order to limit gatherings to no more than 10 people, according to a notice released by the council...

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The Poplar Bluff City Council announced early Friday afternoon that its meeting Monday will be closed to the public due to the threat of COVID-19.

The decision is also based on the governor’s order to limit gatherings to no more than 10 people, according to a notice released by the council.

Citizens can call into the meeting, and citizen input will be allowed at this time, the notice states.

A call-in meeting also was held for a special session Monday to revise alcohol law sales.

Callers, including Daily American Republic staff, had difficulty hearing the majority of the meeting.

New technology is being installed at the council chambers to help with this, with new speakers and microphones, city manager Mark Massingham said.

The council has a full agenda for the 7 p.m. meeting, including more than a dozen workshop and voting items.

Anyone wishing to call into the meeting can do so at 567-316-0699, pin number 936890688.

Those who wish to speak by phone during the meeting will be required to give their name and address, as they do during normal meetings. They will be allowed three minutes to speak.

Items on the workshop agenda are:

• Conditional use permits for drive-thru windows at four separate locations in the 2700 block of Tucker Road for non-alcoholic beverage and food sales. Applicant for the permits is RLOS Investment Group, John and Lilliana Hurst of Poplar Bluff. The locations are in a C-2 general commercial district.

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• Resolution authorizing the city to reimburse itself for certain capital expenditures.

Voting session items include:

• Approval of the four separate drive-thru window conditional use permits.

• Adopt PACE, Property Assessed Clean Energy, program.

• Annex property at 3392 Kanell Blvd. to be zoned as RS-1 residential.

• Conditional use permit for independent and assisted living facility for up to 70 people at 3392 Kannell Blvd.

• Rezoning property from RS-2 general residential to O-1 office professional for future commercial use in the area of Katy Lane and Barron Road. Owner is John D. Barbour and the Barbour family.

• Tobacco-free policy at city-owned recreational areas.

• Addendum to agreement between the city and Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission for administrative services.

• Appointment of directors for three-year terms to the Sycamore Street Community Improvement District Board of Directors.

• Resolution for the city to reimburse itself for certain capital expenditures.

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