Things just got real.
After closing church for the second week in a row, we are looking at maybe not having Palm Sunday or Easter service.
I know there are some churches who have creatively used space to have church, but for us here at Doniphan/Neelyville, we have elected to do online church.
This is a new world for me, so keep us and every church and pastor in your prayers.
The point of online church is to keep us connected. As a pastor, my experience is when people stop going to church, they forget about church.
This means they get out of the habit of going. Many of us pastors are working hard to keep people connected to the church.
Many laity (persons not ordained) are working hard to keep the connection between the church and the members.
I find it interesting that during this time, I have actually increased my contacts with the church members. Daily phone calls and vlogs are keeping the church members apprised of what is going on and what the church is trying to do to help everyone worship.
I think I can safely say that all the churches are working hard to keep people focused on Christ.
And that is our job.
We are called as a church to make disciples.
This isn’t limited to times when our doors are open, and the days are sunny. This extends to the dark times, the trying times.
This pandemic has reminded many ministers and churches what our job is. Our job is to share the Gospel of Christ, regardless of the circumstances.
But to do that, we need support. I know many of you are accustomed to giving during the offering at church.
Unfortunately, with the social distancing in effect, we don’t have the offering time. This is really hurting the ministries of many of the churches.
I am finding myself even more dependent on the staff as we increase our social distance accessibility. There are areas in our budget we cannot cut. Every church is doing all it can to minister and make the doors ready to open.
This is where you come in. Some churches have an online giving process and other means of sending support. Others are like us at Doniphan/Neelyville without a website or online giving app. This doesn’t mean you cannot help.
You may be stuck indoors, but the mail still runs. Use a stamp and envelope to show your support for YOUR church.
I’m not speaking just for me, but for all the churches in the body of Christ.
These are trying times, and we are trying to do the best we can with what we have. Your support for your church will not only help pay the bills, but boost your pastor’s moral. Tithing is a way of showing you care.
And lest you feel that what you give will not help, I challenge you to look at Mark 12:41-44. This is a tale of a woman trusting in God so much that two copper coins are blessed.
While I’m at it, I want to remind you to take care of yourself, prway for your pastors and those who are working with the sick and afflicted.
Keep your hands clean and I look forward to the day when I will see you in church.
Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.