March 19, 2020

For a number of people, one concern about local school districts closing for a period of time amid COVID-19 is the ability to feed students.

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For a number of people, one concern about local school districts closing for a period of time amid COVID-19 is the ability to feed students.

The Neelyville R-IV school district is joining Poplar Bluff R-I and Twin Rivers R-X in offering free meals to those students in need.

Students started picking up meals Wednesday, Superintendent Debra Parish told the board the following night. In the first two days, 80 at Hillview and 50 at Neelyville were served.

“We suspect that if this situation continues, that number will increase,” Parish said.

School staff is handing out bagged breakfast and lunch from 8-10 a.m. at each campus for every weekday until classes resume.

The students were dismissed early on Friday to allow custodial staff to do a more thorough cleaning. Administration announced Monday that students would remain out of school starting Wednesday and at least until the end of spring break, March 27.

At that point, administration plans to evaluate the situation and potentially extend the time out.

Parish said Thursday meals will be available until students return, including the spring break period.

At the moment, families need to come to the schools in order to pick up the meals.

Parish said starting Monday they will remain in their cars and staff will bring bagged meals to them.

Families can still sign up to receive meals during this period by calling the district.

The Department of Secondary and Post Secondary Education stated Thursday that school districts can use the bus fleet to deliver meals.

Parish said when parents were contacted about the meal program, she asked if anybody had concerns about getting their students to campus in order to pick up meals. One family did express concern and staff are delivering meals to that family, she said.

“We may have to move to where we do transport or deliver more,” she said.

Along with a statement on the buses, DESE announced Thursday that state assessments would be delayed or canceled for the year.

The April ACT testing is postponed and the May SAT test is canceled.

“State assessment and accountability, while important, is not the primary concern,” Parish said she had in her board notes before the DESE announcement came out. “We will not be giving the end of course exams and we will not be giving out the MAP test.”

The attendance hours lost due to COVID-19 prompted closures will be forgiven by the state, Parish said. According to DESE, this time out will not count against a district’s annual performance report.

Neelyville is using alternative methods of instruction, Parish said. Students received five days of alternative work and may receive more of the school expands its closure.
