March 20, 2020

Everyone I know is talking about the coronavirus because it is affecting all of us. I am using data from in this column. Here are the current statistics as of the time I write this on March 17. There are currently 167,502 confirmed cases worldwide. Nearly half (81,077) are in China, but only 29 new cases were confirmed there yesterday...

Tim Richards
Tim Richards
Concord Church
Tim Richards Concord Church

Everyone I know is talking about the coronavirus because it is affecting all of us.

I am using data from in this column.

Here are the current statistics as of the time I write this on March 17. There are currently 167,502 confirmed cases worldwide. Nearly half (81,077) are in China, but only 29 new cases were confirmed there yesterday.

Italy, with a population of 60 million has been particularly affected. There were 3,590 new cases confirmed yesterday.

One Italian physician described the pandemic this way, “…there are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopedists in our hospital. Now, we are only doctors, who have suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us.”

In the U.S., between March 11 and 16, the number of confirmed cases more than doubled. To slow and ultimately stop the spread of the disease many things we take for granted have been affected.

Schools, restaurants, and churches are closed, all sporting events are cancelled, and the situation continues to get worse with no easy to predict end in sight.

While some believe the situation is being overblown by the media, the rate at which COVID-19 is increasing worldwide, nearly 14,000 new cases confirmed yesterday alone, suggests it cannot be taken lightly.

We want to protect ourselves, our families and our friends. Our concern is demonstrated as panicked consumers empty grocery shelves and hoard toilet paper.

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If we do not take the coronavirus seriously, what is happening in Italy could soon happen in the U.S.

How can we respond appropriately?

First, take practical steps to avoid contracting the disease. Avoid touching others, wash your hands often, try not to touch your face and stay at least six feet from others when possible to protect both yourself and them.

Second, look out for the vulnerable. Make yourself available to elderly neighbors and sick friends; help them with groceries or errands. Call someone who lives alone. Send an encouraging email or card to a friend who may be overwhelmed.

Third, pray for our national, state and local leaders who need wisdom. They have the responsibility of protecting us citizens while disrupting our lives as little as possible.

Finally, reflect on God’s faithfulness as you commit to weathering this crisis. The psalmist put it this way, “But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge…” (Psalm 73:28, NIV)

Even when we are unable to be physically near one another, we can stay close to God. He is available as a refuge, our safe place amid life’s storms.

As we try to make sense of our current crises, we must not forget that we are never alone. Intentionally reminding ourselves of that will likely determine whether we experience hopeless panic or God’s presence and calming perspective.

Tim Richards grew up in Fairdealing and previously served as associate pastor of Pilgrim’s Rest Church there. He currently serves as a pastor on the staff of Concord Church in South County St. Louis.

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