February 21, 2020

To the editor: The guffaw of the Democratic Party over their failure in Iowa is nothing short of a mockery of our Republic. The good people of Iowa turned out looking to participate in the process of choosing their nominee, only to learn the harsh lesson that Republicans have known for years: Democrats cannot be trusted to create efficient processes, much less run the government. ...

To the editor:

The guffaw of the Democratic Party over their failure in Iowa is nothing short of a mockery of our Republic.

The good people of Iowa turned out looking to participate in the process of choosing their nominee, only to learn the harsh lesson that Republicans have known for years: Democrats cannot be trusted to create efficient processes, much less run the government. While the Republican caucus was smooth sailing, the entire nation had to wait days for the Democratic Party to tally votes and finally declare a winner in the Caucus. In the meantime, nearly every presidential candidate declared “victory” in Iowa. Leave it to the Democratic Party to find a way to give everyone a trophy after a complete failure.

No one faults the people of Iowa for what happened. The fault lies entirely with the Democratic Party. What makes the monumental failure of the Iowa Caucus more historical is that the same leaders who cannot run a Caucus also insist on being given more power to run the government. The entire Democratic platform centers on giving the government (and likewise, Democrats) more control over Americans. They argue that with socialism, higher taxes and strict regulations, Democrats can socially engineer a utopia. Rather, Iowa proves that Democratic hopes for a socialist regime would be more akin to a comedy of errors on paper, and a dysfunctional bureaucratic nightmare in practice.

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These same people who demand more power and bigger government cannot even be counted on to run a statewide Caucus. The Gospel teaches, and I hold true, that “whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” (Luke 16:10). I think it is a good indication of character and quality that a person who treats the little things as important will likewise treat the big things as important. On the flip side, whoever bungles what little they have should not be given more responsibility.

Judging on recent events in Iowa as well as crumbling liberal-run cities, I would say that Democrats cannot be trusted with the future of this nation. Municipalities that have given themselves completely over to left-wing politics are fast approaching a state of ruin — look at Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland and San Francisco, where lawlessness and homelessness continue to rise. Democrats are seeking to transplant the same failing policies at a local level to the national level.

The leaders of the Democratic Party who want to have absolute power over your wallet, your household, your income, your guns, your health care, your estates, your property and your rights cannot even manage a workable way to count heads in a high school gymnasium. Democrats insist that if they could have bigger government, and more Democratic control of it, then they can solve all the nation’s problems. Instead, all they manage to prove is that Ronald Reagan spoke true nearly 40 years ago that government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem. If Democrats continue to be so dishonest and untrustworthy with things like their own Primary, then we can only expect them to be dishonest and untrustworthy with our nation.

Eddy Justice

Republican candidate for state Senate

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