“I always enjoy speaking to an audience that is knowledgeable of the subject matter, and able to engage in meaningful dialogue,” Dr. Frank Nickell observed after his presentation on Saturday, January 25. Nickell, retired educator from Southeast Missouri State University and noted historian, was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Nickell addressed a capacity crowd in the library and research room at the National Stars and Stripes Museum and Library in Bloomfield. In his discussion of Causes of the Civil War, Nickell revealed his belief that historians have no more of a definitive answer today, than when the war ended 155 years ago.
“Historians perpetuate their own views,” Nickell pointed out, “so there are as many explanations for the cause of the war, as there are authors who attempted to explain it.”
As he spoke, Nickell addressed the beliefs of numerous historians/authors, and shared brief overviews of their writings, as well as explanations of different phases of interpretation. He repeatedly sought opinions from those in attendance, and delighted in the thought-provoking conversations that ensued.
Nickell began his discussion by addressing two notable books that were published during and immediately following the Civil War.
“The first book to examine what caused the war,” Nickell explained, “was Horace Greeley’s The American Conflict, which was written in 1864 — before the war was even over.”
According to Nickell, Greeley, a renowned Northern journalist, blamed the war on the power held by the Confederate states. Greely viewed their collective power as a challenge to the Federal Government.
“Southerner Edward Pollard’s book The Lost Cause, published in 1866, presented the opinion that the only way the South could maintain their power, was to go to war,” Nickell observed.
As the discussion continued, Nickell sought input from the audience on their opinions as to the cause of the Civil War. Those responses were as varied as the authors’ opinions. Among ideas suggested by attendees were that causes of the war resulted from: the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, cotton growing, imbalance of tariffs, where people lived at that time, monetary issues, and the idea that slavery was only an excuse to go to war.
“So, in essence,” Nickell summarized, “there is no answer. Every interested person must study the Civil War for himself/herself and arrive at your own conclusions. It is the question that still haunts America.”
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a non-profit, patriotic, historical, civic and benevolent organization created to preserve the history and legacy of the Confederate soldier. The local organization Stoddard Rangers meets regularly at the Stars and Stripes Museum.