November 6, 2019

The Poplar Bluff High School class of 1959 recently gathered for a 60th reunion. Shown front row from left, Shirley (Hickerson) Kneir; Jeannie (Burris) Wheeler; Linda (Brannum) Whelchel; Helen (Wilson) Felts; Martha (Campbell) Cornett; Phyllis (Squires) Trout; Joyce (Sweat) Julian; Judy (Litchnegger) Lee; Sue (Johnson) Scott; June (Stucker) Dye and Sandra (Flanakin) Ross...

The Poplar Bluff High School class of 1959.
The Poplar Bluff High School class of 1959.Photo provided

The Poplar Bluff High School class of 1959 recently gathered for a 60th reunion.

Shown front row from left, Shirley (Hickerson) Kneir; Jeannie (Burris) Wheeler; Linda (Brannum) Whelchel; Helen (Wilson) Felts; Martha (Campbell) Cornett; Phyllis (Squires) Trout; Joyce (Sweat) Julian; Judy (Litchnegger) Lee; Sue (Johnson) Scott; June (Stucker) Dye and Sandra (Flanakin) Ross.

Second row from left, Nancye (Gullette) Dunlap; Betty (Kanell) Pruitt; Linda (Gray) Dilday; Alana (Rodgers) DeBoard; Bernice (Renick) Deaton; Bonnie (Hendershott) Stephens; Darlene (Quade) Pruett; Margaret (Anspach) Holton; Judy (Winder) Church; Nelda (Dicken) Gambill; James Ross and Jennie (Funke) Quigley.

Third row from left, James Chrisman; Carolyn (Cannon) Bloebaum; Sandy (Resnik) England; Sheila (Warren) Robertson; George Sewell; Patricia (Harris) Green and Shirley (Samuel) Bailey.

Fourth row from left, Kenny Clanahan; Phillip Woodard; Melburn Deaton; Jerry Jett; Roger Bell; Denny Mickey; Larry Gillis and Judith (Wangelin) Scott.

Back row from left, Don Foust; Howard Garrett; Charles Alexander and Don Green.
