October 23, 2019

About 20 teenagers from across Southeast Missouri are participating in a pilot program designed to boost their interest in law enforcement careers. The teens are members of an Explorer Post established in Troop E by the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2017...

Members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Explorers Post at Troop E use training bags to practice a push-back defensive tactic.
Members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Explorers Post at Troop E use training bags to practice a push-back defensive tactic.DAR/Michelle Friedrich

About 20 teenagers from across Southeast Missouri are participating in a pilot program designed to boost their interest in law enforcement careers.

The teens are members of an Explorer Post established in Troop E by the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2017.

“It’s a very good program … It’s designed for students with an interest in careers in law enforcement,” explained patrol Cpl. Shayne Talburt. “It gives kids the opportunity to do hands-on interaction with law enforcement officers.”

The program, according to Matthew Finch of Dexter, is giving him a “little bit of a head start for what I’m fixing to get into in law enforcement. I think the program is a great idea.”

Eli Stintson of Poplar Bluff agreed.

“The Missouri State Highway Patrol Explorer program is something I’m very thankful to have in Troop E,” said Stintson, who has been in the program for about a year.

“I want to go into law enforcement,” Stintson said. “It gives youth an aspect of what law enforcement could be and gives you an early thought of whether or not this job’s for you.”

The program, according to Talburt, includes a lot of classroom instruction, as well as hands-on learning experiences, such as stop-and-approach scenarios.

The explorers, Talburt said, have learned about crash investigations from the Major Crash Investigation Unit, criminal investigations and polygraph from Sgt. Jeff Johnson with the Division of Drug and Crime Control and marine operations.

“We try to do as much different things as we can” with the explorers, Talburt said.

At their October meeting, the explorers received an “intro to defensive tactics and de-escalation techniques” from Cpl. Ricky Vannada.

Learning about such things as defensive tactics, Stintson said, gives the explorers “a perspective on law enforcement.”

For Finch the “best part” of the program has been “getting to experience all the different things we’ve done.”

Finch cited the stop-and-approach scenarios, as well as the defensive tactics.

“We did communications for dispatch … that was pretty fun,” Finch said.

Kurt Boone of Poplar Bluff agreed.

“We did stop and approach, that was pretty fun, then we did dispatch, communicating over the radio,” Boone said.

In November, Talburt said, the explorers will see a canine demonstration, which will include a live track and narcotics detection.

Talburt said Cpl. David Crank and his canine partner attended in 2018, and the explorers “enjoyed it. He was out and did a live track. The dog actually tracked all the way through the field and back here …”

Over the Christmas break in December, Talburt said, the explorers will be taken to Jefferson City to visit the patrol’s museum and training academy.

“We teach them a lot of drills as far as marching, facing movements, military style techniques,” Talburt said. “It’s stuff to get them ready for our (training) academy.”

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In addition, “we try to instill in them the principles of our core values,” Talburt said.

Along with their monthly meetings, Talburt said, the explorers help out with community events, such as the Sikeston Bootheel Rodeo, Badge of Honor Benefit Run and Mt. Calvary Powerhouse Community Toy Drive.

“When they turn 18, they’re also eligible for our ride-along program” with actual troopers, Talburt said.

Stintson said he does a lot of ride alongs, which gives him an opportunity to get to know the troopers.

“The best part for me is really getting to know these guys on a personal basis,” Stintson said. “ … I wouldn’t be the person I am today without guys like Shayne.

“… These guys are great role models, just some great guys to be around.”

Boone said he can’t wait until next year when he too can do the ride alongs.

“I’ve always been interested in law enforcement,” said Boone, who joined the program in October 2018. “I thought it was an interesting career to go into.”

Ethan Robertson’s interest in law enforcement is a little closer to home.

“My uncle is a dispatcher at Doniphan,” said the Doniphan teen. “I knew I was interested in law enforcement.”

That interest, along with his uncle, motivated Robertson to sign up for the program.

Robertson said he hopes what he learns from the program will help him be ready when he gets to the patrol’s training academy.

The program, Finch said, “teaches kids if they want a career,” they can “go into the highway patrol or park ranger, whatever kind of (law enforcement) career you would like.”

According to Talburt, Troop E is the only troop with an Explorer program statewide.

The program started with three to five students, he said.

“It’s grown to this; typically, we’ll run anywhere from 13 to 21 students” at each meeting, he said. “Two of our recent explorers have gone on to the military, one Army and one Marine Corps, to start careers.”

The program is open to anyone ages 14 to 20.

“The students have to maintain good moral character in their community and schools,” as well as maintain a C average to stay in the program, Talburt said.

The Explorers Post meets one night a month at 6 p.m. at Troop E Headquarters.

“It’s a great thing for youth, and anybody who wants to join, should come check it out,” Stintson said.

Anyone interested in joining the program, may contact Talburt or Sgt. Brad Haggett at Troop E Headquarters at 573-840-9500.

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