Friday is officially Pink Out Day in Poplar Bluff, which is part of the local community’s observance of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
More than $200,000 has been raised to benefit the United Cancer Assistance Network since Pink Out Day was first held nine years ago. The week-long activities will end when the Poplar Bluff Mules take the football field on senior night against the Hillsboro Hawks team.
The area celebration first was organized by the Poplar Bluff High School Student Council in 2010, with proceeds totaling $1,800 to benefit UCAN, said UCAN Executive Director Melody Chailland. UCAN became involved in the fundraising two years later.
Chailland said, again this year, the Poplar Bluff City Council has proclaimed Friday officially Pink Out Day.
UCAN “receives no government funds,” Chailland explained, “This is one of our largest fundrasiers of the year. We depend on it to provide direct assistance to people battling cancer in Butler, Ripley, Stoddard and Wayne counties,” she said.
This includes transportation to and from treatment.
Since purchasing two vans, Chailland said, “they’ve travelled more than a quarter of a million miles taking people to treatment. This year already we have given more than $10,000 in gas cards.”
“Wear your pink to the game,” Chailland said. “We do things all month since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, but we will get thousands of emails asking ‘where can we get shirts?’”
Pink Out shirts may be purchased at Ketcherside Kountry, Gift Connection, People’s Community Bank and the UCAN office.
“Buffalo Wild Wings will have a no-cost tailgate party to celebrate with us,” Chailland said
Other groups and individuals are holding their own fundraising events for Pink Out. Butler County EMS designed its own Pink Out shirts and has sold 400, Chailland said. Breast cancer survivor Jeanie Porter also raised donations at the Elks Club’s golf tournament, which is held in memory of her late husband W.C. Porter.
Chailland also asks everyone to tag the UCAN Facebook page with their Pink Out photos “so we can see them.”