Dear Friends,
I wanted to take a moment and express my sincere gratitude to the members of the community, the Law Enforcement professionals throughout this area, state and nation, as well as all who have taken a moment to send up prayers, donate meals, services and time with the motive being only to increase the wellbeing and recovery of our officers and their families.
The unfortunate events which unfolded in Van Buren, Missouri, on Friday, Aug. 16, 2019, were not only senseless and void of any honor, but also a sober reality of the world we now reside within.
With that understanding, we must be forever cognizant that we refuse to accept this reality and constantly strive to be a better people, empathetic and driven to increase our ability to lift others up rather than tearing others down.
To the men and women who daily serve our communities, specifically those who came to our aid Friday, THANK YOU!
You dropped what you were doing and selflessly ran to our aid, in many cases, placing your safety and wellbeing behind your desire for survival. This selfless sacrifice will never leave my mind.
To the wives, husbands, children, moms, dads and families of our Emergency Responders, THANK YOU! I cannot imagine how difficult it is working through your stress, fear and concern, while putting on a smile of support. My heart is with you and I will eternally be grateful for you and your sacrifice. Thank you for lending us your loved one. I apologize for not keeping them safer Friday.
To the businesses, citizens and guests to our community, who without thought provided services, meals and items necessary to sustain the effort I say THANK YOU! You will never know how my heart was eased just knowing my people, our people, were taken care of.
To the Faith Based community and pastors who were in constant prayers and dropped everything to answer my call to provide Chaplain duties and emergency counseling to my team, THANK YOU!
To the Ambulance Crew, Air Life, and Fire Personnel, THANK YOU! You, without hesitation, placed yourself in harm’s way, responding to my call for help. You fought back your fears and emotions working on a brother. You are the example of professionalism!
To the officers who kept my man fighting and dragged him to safety, out of harms way, THANK YOU! Words cannot explain how my heart feels. You are my HERO!
To the Officers, Deputies, Administrators, Wives Auxiliary members, and counselors, THANK YOU! Your immediate assistance off scene with my Deputy and his family eased my ever running mind.
To my fellow Sheriffs, Chiefs of Police, Federal Peace Offers, and Leaders, THANK YOU! Just knowing you are available and ready to roll to our aid is humbling. You truly are my brothers and sisters which I know I can never repay for your generosity.
To The Staff of the Carter County Sheriff’s Office, THANK YOU! I have no words. To the dispatchers who fought through their grief, the deputies who sacrificed their time, to the deputies who placed their lives on the line, you are my inspiration. Your strength and compassion for your community is unmatched.
Deputy Pierson is progressing well and eager to get back to serving his community. Your Sheriff’s Office is strong and though shaken, are an example of professionalism and integrity.
As a community, you have my many thanks and sincere gratitude. Please take a moment to share a smile, lend a hand and voice a prayer for not only our officers but for our community and country as a whole. Our differences must not become our downfall. We must find a manner by which we can jointly converse and exist, working through our discourse in a peaceful manner.
God bless you all, and I pray for your continued safety.