August 10, 2019

EDITORIAL: Turn back the clock 10 years, and no one had ever heard of the St. Jude VIP banquet and archery shoot. That’s because those events didn’t exist. This weekend marks the ninth anniversary of the archery shoot. A sold out event was scheduled for Friday night, with 850 tickets being sold and many fundraising activities planned. It was paired with today’s archery shoot, expected to bring so many participants that extra parking and a shuttle service are needed...

Reed Rincker, 6, holds one of the yellow Labrador puppies up for auction during Friday night’s event.
Reed Rincker, 6, holds one of the yellow Labrador puppies up for auction during Friday night’s event.DAR/Paul Davis

Turn back the clock 10 years, and no one had ever heard of the St. Jude VIP banquet and archery shoot.

That’s because those events didn’t exist.

This weekend marks the ninth anniversary of the archery shoot.

A sold out event was scheduled for Friday night, with 850 tickets being sold and many fundraising activities planned. It was paired with today’s archery shoot, expected to bring so many participants that extra parking and a shuttle service are needed.

The volunteers who created it have raised more than half a million dollars from nothing more than an idea, and perhaps most important of all — the desire and energy to serve a worthy cause.

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The money they raise helps ensure “no child should die in the dawn of life,” by supporting an organization that offers treatment and research to battle childhood cancer.

The events that serve this hospital were co-hosted by the Poplar Bluff St. Jude Heroes Team and Indian Creek Bowhunters.

Many of us talk about what needs to be done, what we wish someone would do, what we would do in someone’s place, but these groups did so much more than talk.

They are an example to all of us that you get back from your community what you put into it.

In this case, they came to their community with a need, then put in the work to turn an idea into a reality that continues to touch hundreds of hearts and lives.

It’s a pairing no community could resist.

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