June 14, 2019

As a strong advocate for private property rights, I am constantly on the watch for any additional government encroachment on land-owning citizens. That’s why I was concerned when proposed changes to the Conservation code were brought to my attention...

Hardy Billington

As a strong advocate for private property rights, I am constantly on the watch for any additional government encroachment on land-owning citizens. That’s why I was concerned when proposed changes to the Conservation code were brought to my attention.


Currently, Missouri residents who own five or more acres of land are exempt from purchasing small game permits, and receive deer and turkey hunting permits free. Under new rules proposed by the Conservation Commission, the minimum number of acres would increase to 20 acres. Apparently the department feels the current rules are being abused, and conducted an online survey earlier this year which found respondents supported an increase in minimum acreage.

Personally, I oppose this proposed change. These rules have been in place since the 1940s as a way to encourage property owners to provide good habitat for wildlife. Tens of thousands of Missourians will be affected if the new regulations go into effect, and most of those abide by the rules. We should not punish these law-abiding hunters because of a few bad actors.

However, since I work for the citizens of the 152nd district, I would like to know your input. Please contact my office and let me know whether you support or oppose making it more difficult to obtain landowner hunting privileges. Also, I encourage you to contact the Department of Conservation during their open comment period July 2-31 and provide feedback on the department’s website at http://short.mdc.mo.gov/Z49 .

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As Missourians in all parts of the state continue to recover from the severe weather and flooding that has devastated the Midwest, the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) is providing helpful information to those who would like to offer their assistance, and to those who need assistance.

SEMA recommends that Missourians who would like to donate to assist with disaster relief efforts in Missouri, or elsewhere in the country, should consider making financial contributions to a recognized disaster relief organization. Monetary donations allow voluntary organizations to fund response and recovery efforts, obtain goods and services locally and provide direct financial assistance to disaster survivors.

Information about donating or volunteer opportunities is available from 211 Missouri, which can be reached by dialing 211, or (800) 427-4626. This information is also available at the 211 Missouri website located at https://www.211helps.org/

Donations to the Red Cross are also encouraged by SEMA. Your contribution will support disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the floods and tornadoes throughout Missouri; providing shelter, food, emotional support, other supplies and assistance. In many cases it takes a lengthy period of time for communities and individuals to recover from a disaster. Your donations can make a difference. You can donate to the Red Cross at https://www.redcross.org/donate/donation.html/


Contact Rep. Billington at hardy.billington@house.mo.gov or by calling 573-751-4039.

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