May 15, 2019

Three Rivers College will see a slight savings in custodial services by awarding the bid to SG360 of Caruthersville during Wednesday’s Board of Trustees meeting. According to Chief Financial Officer Charlotte Eubank, total custodial services spent by the college during fiscal year 2019 was $299,077.20...

Three Rivers College will see a slight savings in custodial services by awarding the bid to SG360 of Caruthersville during Wednesday’s Board of Trustees meeting.

According to Chief Financial Officer Charlotte Eubank, total custodial services spent by the college during fiscal year 2019 was $299,077.20.

Custodial services were previously handled by M&R Hard Surface Restoration and McAlister Cleaning.

By partnering with SG360 for custodial services, TRC will see an approximate savings of $464.58 the first year.

Trustees approved SG360’s first year bid of $298,612.62 with the option for two one-year extensions.

SG360 was the lowest of the six companies to submit bids.


TRC commencement will be held at 6 p.m. Friday at the Libla Family Sports Complex for the first time.

The ceremony is not open to the public and tickets will be required to attend. Graduates were distributed tickets for family and friends to attend.

__Financial Update__

Year-to-date comparisons, according to Eubank, continue to be very similar to what trustees have seen in previous months.

Tuition and fees are tracking slightly behind due to lower enrollment compared to last year.

Eubank added that student aid and other categories driven by enrollment are also slightly behind.

“Expenses are also lower than the previous fiscal year,” Eubank said. “We did budget for lower enrollment so that follows suit.”

Revenues minus expenses are also a bit behind from last year, but a large component of that is the Endowment Trust gift that is in the previous year, Eubank said.

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At 83% into the fiscal year, Eubank said a little ground is left to make up the budget to actual revenues in the tuition and fees category, but summer registration is still underway.

“We exceeded our budgeted revenue in the non-operating revenue category primarily due to property taxes that exceeded our expectations,” she said.

When using the 83% as a guide, Eubank said most expense categories are right on target.

“Auxiliary enterprises have been tracking ahead pretty much all year, but also tracking ahead on the revenues side, so that more than supports that,” she added

This brings the year-to-date preliminary revenues minus expenses to just over $3.8 million.

“That is pretty good for this time of year,” Eubank said. “We also did a good job budgeting for the decrease in enrollment and holding back expenses.”

__Other events__

As the college is barreling toward the end of another semester, TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne updated the board with a few upcoming events.

The nursing students pinning ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center.

The college will be closed Memorial Day, May 27, and begin its summer hours June 7.

Summer hours will be 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and closed on Fridays.

The Three Rivers Endowment Trust Golf Tournament will be held June 14 as the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Endowment Trust. Check-in and lunch will begin at noon at the Westwood Hills Country Club followed by a shotgun start at 1 p.m. A reception and shrimp boil will wrap up the event from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

For more information visit .

__Next Meeting__

The next TRC Board of Trustees meeting will be at noon June 19 in the board room at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center.

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