April 29, 2019

As you may recall, during the Vietnam War many of our returning service members were grossly mistreated. They were spat on, criticized, and otherwise abused for merely doing the job asked of them by our government. Many of them didn’t even have a choice, but served when their nation called them...

Hardy Billington
Rep. Hardy Billington (third from left) visits April 18 with Rich Thomas of the Dunklin County Farm Bureau and Malden FFA members Scott Young, Joseph Simmons, Brianna Console and Jacob Crawford.
Rep. Hardy Billington (third from left) visits April 18 with Rich Thomas of the Dunklin County Farm Bureau and Malden FFA members Scott Young, Joseph Simmons, Brianna Console and Jacob Crawford. Photo provided

As you may recall, during the Vietnam War many of our returning service members were grossly mistreated. They were spat on, criticized, and otherwise abused for merely doing the job asked of them by our government. Many of them didn’t even have a choice, but served when their nation called them.

In recent years, we have thankfully begun to appreciate their sacrifices. I was honored to join my colleagues in recognizing these heroes at the Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda. Hundreds of veterans in attendance were officially recognized by the Department of Defense and the General Assembly. I thank these and all of our veterans for their service.

Sometimes just as important as the bills we propose are the bills we fight. One of those happens to be HJR 41, a resolution that would send to voters a constitutional amendment reducing the size of the Missouri House of Representatives. I oppose this resolution for two reasons.

Rep. Hardy Billington (third from left) visits April 24 in Jefferson City with Poplar Bluff real estate agents Lori Dunlap, Terry Stewart, Kurt Knodell, Traci Barbour and Lucy Wheeler.
Rep. Hardy Billington (third from left) visits April 24 in Jefferson City with Poplar Bluff real estate agents Lori Dunlap, Terry Stewart, Kurt Knodell, Traci Barbour and Lucy Wheeler. Photo provided

First, our House of Representatives is the legislative chamber closest to the people. There are many more representatives than senators, and we stand for election every two years instead of every four. We are the voice of the people, and the fewer members we have, the less influence each individual citizen will have in the House.

Also, I believe the average citizen should have the ability to serve in the legislature should he or she have the will to do so. It is already very difficult for those who are not wealthy to mount successful campaigns, and this amendment would make election even more difficult for them.

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House bills sent to the senate this week include HB 919 and HB 1083.

HB 919 creates the “Save the Family Farm Act,” creating new provisions regulating the partition of property among heirs. Supporters say the bill would help keep family farms and other property within the family by establishing a process to allow an heir to assert an interest in the property and proceed through a judicial process of equitably purchasing the property.

HB 1083 prohibits a court from dividing securities among multiple recipients in such a way that negotiable securities become nonnegotiable securities. However, a court may divide securities into increments equal to a multiple of the allowable tradeable amount or denomination accepted by the industry, as defined in the official statement or offering document of the original security. Supporters say the bill is a practical solution for a problem that occurs from time to time. The bill will give guidance for probate and divorce courts, as well as for attorneys.

The Missouri House also gave initial approval to legislation allowing voters to strengthen and change some of the provisions in the Clean Missouri amendment passed last November. One of these reforms would create a bipartisan citizens commission to draw redistricting maps. Currently, Clean Missouri calls for the state auditor to appoint a demographer to oversee the process. As the auditor is a partisan position (currently a Democrat), this change would ensure the redistricting is completed in a manner designed to be fair to all, not just one party.

I was honored to welcome several visitors from our district recently. They included local realtors, Malden High School FFA members, Westwood Baptist Academy Students, the Poplar Bluff Boys and Girls Club, and local representatives of the American Cancer Society.

I welcome your ideas, questions and concerns. You may contact me at the State Capitol as follows: 573-751-4039, hardy.billington@house.mo.gov or by writing to Rep. Hardy Billington, 201 W. Capitol Ave., Room 201-C, Jefferson City, Mo. 65101.

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