Spaces are still available at a free conference designed to offer education and support to family members, providers and other residents concerning autism.
The event is sponsored by the Butler County Community Resource Council and will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 3 at First United Methodist Church.
“We have been offering the conference for many years,” said Rebeca Pacheco, CRC executive director. “Autism impacts a lot of families in the community. Studies have shown that early interventions and skills building with children can improve their prospects and their outcomes.”
The conference is organized by the CRC’s Mental Health Subcommittee, which is made up of community members and service providers.
“We’re particularly interested in helping families bridge the gap between high school and work,” said Pacheco. “The transition piece is really important. We want families to have the best information out there to help them with their decision making and also to provide continuing education for (professionals).”
Keynote speakers will be Angela Range, vice president of Autism services for Great Circle, and Dianna Neal, of Family Counseling Center Behavioral Health.
Range will speak on key components of behavior and specific strategies and interventions for behavioral challenges.
Neal will address co-occurring disorders.
Conference organizers use feedback from previous years’ conferences and requested topics to help select speakers, Pacheco said.
Lunch will be provided during the event by FCC Behavioral Health.
The event is cosponsored by the University of Missouri, School of Social Work.
It will include 15 vendors providing information about resources.
Participants are also eligible for four contact hours.
Registrations will be taken through Friday.
For more information, email or call 573-776-7830.
Anyone interested in participating in the Mental Health Subcommittee can also get information by contacting the CRC. The group is always looking for a mix of residents and professionals. The committee also works on suicide prevention and other topics.