March 29, 2019

Two residents of Ward 1 with a love for community and the people in it are seeking seats on the Poplar Bluff City Council. This is the only Poplar Bluff ward with a contested race in the Tuesday election. The terms of Ward 1 council member Susan McVey and Ward 3 council member Barbara Horton are up...

Two residents of Ward 1 with a love for community and the people in it are seeking seats on the Poplar Bluff City Council.

This is the only Poplar Bluff ward with a contested race in the Tuesday election.

The terms of Ward 1 council member Susan McVey and Ward 3 council member Barbara Horton are up.

McVey chose not to run for re-election. Retired Poplar Bluff Police officer Alonzo “Kit” Skaggs and Morse Harwell Jiles insurance agent Lisa Armes Parson have filed for the seat.

Horton is running unopposed for re-election.

Skaggs spent 40 years working with the public and says it is something he enjoys.

“I’d like to get on the council and if there’s anything I can do to help improve our ward, I’d be more than happy to help work on it,” he said.

Skaggs spent 16 years managing Meeks lumber locations in Doniphan and Poplar Bluff before joining law enforcement. He worked for the city police department for another 16 years. Among his duties as a police officer were patrolling senior housing areas and serving as a school resource officer at the high school.

“I just liked dealing with the public,” said Skaggs, adding as a council member, “I’d talk to the public and see what things they want done.”

Parson is a fourth generation resident of Ward 1, living now in the house where she was raised.

“I’ve always wanted to do something for community. I’ve always been a community-minded person. I’ve lived here my entire life and I love Poplar Bluff,” said Parson.

Parson feels she has reached a point in her life where she has the time to devote to an effort like city council.

“I want to get in there and just see where I can serve,” said Parson. “I feel like I’ve got a servant’s heart.

“I try hard to wait and pray about matters. I don’t really have any expectations other than trying to listen twice as much as I talk.”

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Parson also plans to educate herself on recent business of the city council.

She would like to see more businesses on Poplar Bluff’s south end. Parson has also been approached with concerns from residents about the conditions and safety of some homes.

“Some goals would just be to make our city look more inviting to new people,” she said.

Also on the list of concerns is finding a better home for the city’s police department.

“A city of our size needs our police department to at least be in a nicer looking building than what they’re in,” she said.

Skaggs is also concerned about the city hall and police department situation. He is concerned the city has abandoned the Second Street complex which used to house these offices.

“That’s an awfully big building to be sitting doing nothing,” he said, adding, “It’s got several rooms for detectives.”

While he hasn’t seen a recent inspection, Skaggs said, he believes the city should look at the possible cost savings of renovating that structure rather constructing a new building.

Skaggs approves of recent action by the city to make plans for repairs to the 11th Street bridge, as well as paving last summer of 11th Street.




__Alonzo “Kit” Skaggs__ Age: 75 Family: Wife, Cathy, four children, four grandchildren, one great-grandchild Occupation: Retired Poplar Bluff police officer Current affiliations: Masonic Lodge Education: Graduate Doniphan High School and Three Rivers College law enforcement academy


__Lisa Armes Parson__ Age: 57 Family: Two children, four grandchildren Occupation: Insurance agent and customer service representative for Morse Harwell Jiles Current affiliations: First Church of God Education: Graduate Poplar Bluff High School, associate’s degree Three Rivers College

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