March 15, 2019

The excitement of the auction cry will be combined with fun, food and bidding at Sacred Heart School’s Annual Fiesta Auction to benefit students of all faiths from age 3 to eighth grade. Doors for the Fiesta Auction will open at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 30 with dinner, donated by Maya’s Mexican Restaurant, at 6 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Ballroom.

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DAR FILE/Paul Davis

The excitement of the auction cry will be combined with fun, food and bidding at Sacred Heart School’s Annual Fiesta Auction to benefit students of all faiths from age 3 to eighth grade.

Doors for the Fiesta Auction will open at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 30 with dinner, donated by Maya’s Mexican Restaurant, at 6 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Ballroom.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Auction Committee member Stacy Rommel said. “We do it to raise money for the school, but also to get everyone together and just have a fun evening.”

Silent auction tables filled with a variety of items will await attendees’ bids as they enter the event.

The tables will close “little by little” beginning around 7 p.m., Rommel said, until the last around 8 p.m.

The live auction will then kick off around 8:15 p.m. with Felix Baker speaking in a rhythmic repetition of numbers and words in search of the highest bidder.

A variety of large and small items will be available for purchase including restaurant gift certificates, tires, St. Louis Cardinals tickets, sides of beef, jewelry, gift baskets and getaways to St. Louis, Branson and Florida.

“You don’t have to come and expect to spend a bunch of money. We really just want people to come and have fun,” Rommel said. “You can get something for $5 all the way up to vacations.”

Items available can be seen on the school’s Facebook page by searching for “Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School of Poplar Bluff.”

The Sacred Heart School Fiesta Auction has received a lot of good support from area businesses, Rommel said, which is appreciated.

In its 22nd year, the Sacred Heart School Fiesta Auction will be held at the Holiday Inn Ballroom for the first time.

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“We outgrew our space before and are trying to accommodate more people,” Rommel said of the location change.

Last year’s Fiesta Auction was able to generate approximately $30,000, Rommel said.

“We are hoping to do a little better this year by making it a little bigger by moving locations and trying to increase the number of people who come,” she said.

Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door and $275 for a reserved table of 10. Two free drink tickets are included with each dinner ticket.

While attendees have not been turned away at the door, Rommel warned last year’s event did get a “little crowded,” so she encourages everyone to get their tickets ahead of time if possible.

Tickets can be purchased by calling Sacred Heart Catholic School at 573-785-5836 or stopping by. Tickets can also be purchased by calling Rommel at 573-785-6768.

“We will have people bring tickets to you if needed,” Rommel added.

Funds raised through the Fiesta Auction will go toward everyday items a school would need to operate.

“We are a private school, so we don’t get any government funds, so this is how we keep our school going,” she said. “It will be used for new textbooks, new technology, which is constantly changing, and curriculum.”

The mission of Sacred Heart School is to instill Catholic Christian values within a safe and positive environment. To foster a well-rounded, self-disciplined, responsible individual who is prepared with academic, technological and social skills to succeed in today’s ever-changing world. To make people aware of the worth and dignity of God’s creation.

“We are truly a good school just helping our kids become good little individuals,” Rommel said.

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