BROSELEY — The Twin Rivers R-X School Board in closed session Thursday rehired Superintendent Jeremy Siebert and extended his contract until July 30, 2021.
Also in closed session, the board hired Mary Atchison as a speech pathologist at Fisk and Ashley Welty as an aid at the high school. The board also approved sick leave days may be donated to a non-certified employee.
The vote on each issue was 6-0.
In the open session, the board heard positive progress reports on the Early Childhood Special Education programs at Qulin and Fisk Elementary Schools, as well as the MAP scores at Fisk.
Qulin Principal Seth McBroon said, a few tears were shed the first day the ECSE program was opened, but now it is “pretty neat.” The students are learning skills they will need in kindergarten. Melissa Barnes has 18 students in the Fisk class and Amanda Stratton at Qulin has 13 students, but she is expecting another student to join soon.
McBroom said, the teachers shared the students are learning to stay in line, letter sounds and fine motor skills. The staff will be fine-tuning and adjusting the program.
Fisk Principal Leean Mann said, a total 95 out of approximately 240 students were honored for their MAP scores. While the students who scored well qualify for a day off school Friday, many of them have elected to come to school and participate in the Ag Expo in Poplar Bluff. Some students will line dance and the FFA and Ag classes will participate in a variety of activities.
The board announced the dates for summer school will be May 20-June 17 unless classes are cancelled for bad weather.
The board also approved Shelby Coleman as a new substitute teacher.
Board members attending were Jeff Arnold, Dennis Whitlow, Roger Barter, Billy Watson, Keith Parker and Donna Ashcraft-Fincher. David Dugger was absent.