December 4, 2018

From Staff Reports Insurance woes, the audit and routine reports kept the Puxico Mayor and Board of Aldermen busy Nov. 15. During a closed session, they appointed firefighters and hired a maintenance worker. Puxico's insurance agent is searching for a new company to provide coverage for the city since its present company has decided not to renew the policy...

From Staff Reports

Insurance woes, the audit and routine reports kept the Puxico Mayor and Board of Aldermen busy Nov. 15. During a closed session, they appointed firefighters and hired a maintenance worker.

Puxico's insurance agent is searching for a new company to provide coverage for the city since its present company has decided not to renew the policy.

Alan Hedrick from County-Wide Insurance discussed the city's buildings, contents, equipment, vehicle, and liabilities insurance policies. Hedrick wanted the board to be aware of the insurance problems. The city has had 11 claims, totaling over $90,000. The number of claims is as important as the total amount. He said the city needs to try to keep claims down. Loss ratio, which needs to be 40-50 percent is 125 percent. Hedrick is working with several other companies to obtain quotes. He will be at the December meeting to review those quotes.

The city clerk stated representatives from Van de Ven LLC had been at City Hall Nov. 13-14 conducting the FY 2018 audit. The city should receive the finalized report at the December meeting.

In closed session, Mayor Rick McLean and the board approved three firemen: Clayton Armstrong, Dylan Clinton and Dakota Cashion. The board also agreed with the mayor's appointment of Larry Doublin and Heather Mace as assistant fire chiefs.

Tyler Price is to be offered a job as maintenance worker, the group decided in the closed session. The clerk is to contact Price to see if he will accept the offer.

The clerk also reminded everyone the City Christmas dinner will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13.

The board voted the lights at city hall be replaced with LED at a cost of approximately $800, after maintenance supervisor David Hawhorne asked the board to consider replacing the lights. Jim Wright can do this for approximately $40 a light for materials and labor.

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The board voted to allow the placement of upright stones on City Cemetery's Section A and B plots after the Cemetery board stated it had no problem with revising the policy as long as no owners had voiced disagreement.

Marshal Rick Sheren reported he and his staff have worked several cases and assisted the county and highway patrol on four occasions. Sheren planned to pick up several free items from Federal Highway Patrol surplus in Jefferson City. The police station electrical problems were discussed. The clerk is to have Rick Wheetley check the wiring and to replace heaters where necessary.

Larry Doublin, animal control officer, reported he needs a new animal cage for the truck since a dog tore up the one bought a month ago, the truck is having a mechanical problem and he is working more hours than the 20 allotted for the position.

The board discussed building a new cage instead of purchasing one. Alderman G.S. Kilbreth will take the truck to Kennett to have it checked. Doublin asked the board to either pay him more per hour or allow him to put down more hours on his timesheet. Peter Coutavas questioned what additional expenditures the health fund, which is where animal control expenses are budgeted, could support. The clerk is to obtain this information.

The board approved Fire Chief Eugene Goodale's request to have SCB tanks checked and have valves replaced if necessary at a cost of $25 each. Coutavas moved the SCB tanks be checked/repaired in a rotation basis with eight being done this year. Charles Fann seconded.

Goodale stated he has had Ron Hoff of HoffComp do the annual inspection on the compressor in the fire station, but that the engine pumps still needed to have an annual inspection. Goodale also stated basic firefighter training would be held at Malden in February, 2019.

The library and Historical Museum are on the Christmas Tour of Homes Sunday, Dec. 9, the group learned.

The water damage to the nutrition center's subflooring caused by a pipe under the floor breaking is in the process of being repaired.

Under unfinished business, letters have been sent to the following property owners asking them to remove health nuisance problems: Christine Whitaker and Matthew Wallace. Both have responded, stating that they are working on the removal.

Also present was Alderman Gary Burns.

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