November 28, 2018

Stoddard County commissioners unanimously approved to hire Dale Rogers of Robert Stearns and Associates, Inc., to prepare request for bids for the demolition of the old Methodist Church in Bloomfield during Monday morning's meeting. Documents for the demolition of the church, located at 201 E. Court Street, will be available in the county clerk's office once the request for bids is published in the newspaper...

Stoddard County commissioners unanimously approved to hire Dale Rogers of Robert Stearns and Associates, Inc., to prepare request for bids for the demolition of the old Methodist Church in Bloomfield during Monday morning's meeting.

Documents for the demolition of the church, located at 201 E. Court Street, will be available in the county clerk's office once the request for bids is published in the newspaper.

The county must also hire a company to conduct a hazardous material testing on the site. Following the testing, the next step would be to employ a company to remove the material, if found.

"After the testings, we need to make a list of salvaged items for the bidders to review," Presiding Commissioner elect Danny Talkington said.

The salvaged items will then be stored until something is done with them.

Phone, Internet and TV Bid

Commissioners approved the one bid for phone, internet and TV services provided by GoSEMO Fiber.

The bid included $1,125 monthly to service 45 phone lines and $670 monthly for fiber internet to the sheriff's office, archives office, old courthouse, government building and new courthouse. A basic TV plan was also include for $35 per month per television location.

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"I think it's a win, win situation money wise, service wise, the whole nine yards," Commissioner Steve Jordan said.

Installation and transfer of services are estimated to begin within three weeks and no contract is required for the county.

Legal Services

for Jail Expansion

Commissioners are expected to select a legal service provider during next week's meeting regarding the jail expansion.

A letter of engagement was received from Ivan Schraeder including his fee to oversee the legal service side of the project.

Schraeder would charge the county a discounted fee of $264 per hour. He previously oversaw a jail expansion project in Perry County.

Commissioners will compare Schraeder's offerings with Gilmore & Bell, who presented their information during a meeting in October, and prepare to make a selection next week.

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