These brief comments represent only a "paragraph" or two of the novel which could be written of your efforts to inform and help the people of Poplar Bluff and Southeast Missouri to obtain knowledge of "what's going on where we live."
You have been involved in our community; made helpful and timely remarks and suggestions; been transparent and available for conversations. Your "DAR team" of reporters, clerks, secretaries, production staff, daily delivery and sales people have been largely an outstanding staff. As you know as well as anyone, "leadership starts at the top." Thanks for all you've done for Poplar Bluff and all of us who needed the support of the DAR. As I said earlier, your time as DAR Editor and Publisher could easily be an interesting novel. I'll try some brief reminders of the time you certainly remember; coffee early in the morning with Louie Snider, Tom Lawson, and others at Louie's office on Main Street; breakfast many time with Chief Whiteley and members of his staff (and occasionally an attorney or business person).
Don, I'm personally thankful for yours and the DAR's support in reporting the City of Poplar Bluff's need for the 1989 and 1995 citizen's vote for the one-half cent Capital Improvement Tax, which remain an important revenue for the city and this community. This revenue provided the city with 10,000 more square feet in the city library, nine holes to the city golf course (now 18 holes), helped provide sports complex in McLane Park, build 5,000 seat Black River Coliseum and swimming pool, the Veteran's Wall, provided city police, fire and maintenance departments with vehicles and equipment all badly needed.
In more recent years, beginning in 2005, you and the DAR provided solid support for the one-half cent tax for the city to help build the 50-mile four lane project vote, which received a 69 percent approval by the Poplar Bluff citizens. This project, which was completed in August 2011, has influenced large retail growth on Oak Grove Road, helped bring about Paul Duckett's financial support of the construction of Shelby Road, and influenced the city's property owner support vote of the transportation development district, which created a $50 million bond issue. This provided help for financing Shelby Road and its four-lane extension from Kanell (PP) Boulevard to Business Highway 67/53. Again, I could "go on and on" with the progress of Poplar Bluff and your support, but I'll close with the part of Don Schrieber which I consider as important as anything I know. You've been a tremendously loyal supporter of the men and women of all branches of the United States Armed Services and supported all that we can do to honor their service.
You have also been a strong supporter of law enforcement of Poplar Bluff, Butler County, and the Missouri Highway Patrol, as well as Poplar Bluff and Butler County's Fire Departments. Don, you will be missed as a friend and as one who is "DAR available" when we are in need. Incidentally, my wife, Jeane, will miss seeing you in your "everyday" business suit.
Have a great life in retirement! I'm 86; you're 66, so you have a long and interesting life ahead. We also wish the best for your wife and daughters.
-- Tom Lawson
Poplar Bluff