October 16, 2018

Rezoning was approved Monday by the Poplar Bluff City Council for several properties on Butler and South 11th streets, over the objections of city fire personnel. The zoning involves the conversion of single-family homes to apartments. Chief Ralph Stucker said today he will continue to object to these conversions as long as the city lacks codes to protect residents...

Rezoning was approved Monday by the Poplar Bluff City Council for several properties on Butler and South 11th streets, over the objections of city fire personnel.

The zoning involves the conversion of single-family homes to apartments.

Chief Ralph Stucker said today he will continue to object to these conversions as long as the city lacks codes to protect residents.

He cited a fatality in recent years on Poplar Street, saying the resident later died of injuries received in the fire because the apartment's only exit was blocked by flames. A second person was forced to jump from a second floor apartment in the converted house for the same reason and suffered broken bones, Stucker said.

Officials discussed Monday night if city codes need to be changed to better protect residents, and particularly those living in rental properties.

There are some residential codes the city has not adopted, which would be more strict, said city planner Matt Winters during the council meeting. The planning department and fire department have started a conversation about this need, he said.

The city does not currently require inspections of residential housing or rental units, city manager Mark Massingham said.

"If you look at cities our size, there are very few cities our size that aren't doing that right now...," said Winters. "I think that to take some steps to start protecting our residents, those are something to definitely start looking at."

The discussion was prompted by questions from council member Barbara Horton of Ward 3 regarding the number of exits required in apartments.

She also raised the issue of the Poplar Street fire, which occurred in Ward 3.

"They had no exit routes, except for the one that was on fire. They only had one way to get out of the apartment," Horton said.

Horton asked if the codes could be looked at in the future to help prevent this.

"In the big picture, our goal would be to go back and inspect rental properties and residential properties and make sure they are all safe. Right now, we just don't have the manpower and the money to do that," Mayor Susan McVey said during the discussion.

Fire personnel responding to the structures are also unaware of the modifications that have been made, Stucker said in a letter that was provided to council. This puts the firefighters at a higher risk, he said.

Stucker said today he is pleased the city is looking at possible code changes, and does not take issue with council or planning department's approval of this request. They are looking at different issues than the fire department, he said.

"At least we're having the conversation," he said, adding it will likely be a long and difficult process to enact any type of residential codes.

The city planner's office recommended approval of the current rezoning request, based on current city codes, for 1030, 1034, 1038 and 1042 Butler St., as well as 810 S. 11th St., and a vacant lot on Butler Street. The council approved a change from central area residential zoning to apartment residential. The properties are owned by Lee and Cindy Bowden, Kenneth Johnson, Thomas Sullivan, Michael and Linda Robinson, Rhonda Williams, and Sam and Rita Schalk.

In other business, the city council discussed and approved an application for an Assistance to Firefighter Grant for new radio equipment and a new ladder truck.

Awards for the program are not expected to be announced until after June 2019, said Stucker. The department has previously received this grant for the replacement of air packs.

The city would have to provide a 5 percent match for both of the projects, Stucker said.

The total grant and city cost of the radio project would be approximately $100,000. The ladder truck could cost as much as $900,000.

The fire department's current ladder truck is from 1997.

City officials also plan to apply for a grant from the Missouri Department of Transportation for a sidewalk along Highway 53, from Business 67 to South 11th Street.

The council also:

* Discussed and approved the one-time use by a firefighter of the city seal on fire department T-shirts.

* Discussed and approved a change order for the PP Highway pedestrian bridge project in the amount of approximately $2,900 for signs.

* Reviewed a work swap agreement with MoDOT, in which the city would provide street sweeper services in exchange for new striping on Oak Grove and Shelby roads.

* Approved an amendment to Section 340.110 and 340.115 of city code related to utility vehicles on city streets.

A closed session was also held.
