Stoddard County Commissioners heard options from a new phone, internet and cable provider during their Monday morning meeting.
GoSEMO Fiber, SEMO Electric Cooperative's broadband project, offers Fiber-fast Internet, HDTV and phone packages for six counties.
Glen Cantrell of GoSEMO Fiber said the branch of SEMO Electric began in Miner, Mo., is now in Advance, Mo., and will soon service Bloomfield, Mo.
While not immediately ready to switch communication providers, Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis expressed his frustration with phone service provider AT&T regarding account information.
"AT&T has wonderful local employees who are very responsive to getting out to take car of an issue that I have," Mathis said. "But if go to call somebody from their sales department who is taking care of my account, I can't get anybody."
He went on to say the same problem has occurred with the county in the past and is now happening once again.
Cantrell reported GoSEMO Fiber offers phone services at $25 per phone line, cable packages ranging from $36 to $150 and internet from 100 megabits to one gig of service ranging from $80 to $300 per month.
Sheriff Carl Hefner reported two weeks ago, phone lines were down for an entire day at the sheriff's department, including 911 services. He and his deputies must rely on radio communications and other departments during the frequent outages.
"We can't be without, we have got to have phones," he said.
As with any provider, a line outage can occur, Cantrell said, but his company is working on redundancy to have the system back on within minutes.
He went on to assure county officials emergency management is a top priority in the event of an outage.
"When we have an outage, will you respond as quickly as the electric side," Commissioner Steve Jordan asked.
Cantrell responded "absolutely."
Hefner added the slow internet speed in his department was becoming a problem when connecting with MULES (Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System) through Jefferson City.
County officials also reported the wifi is down at the law library frequently and would like a more reliable service, especially on law days when numerous attorneys are needing the service.
To provide internet to the county's government building, justice center, old courthouse and archives center, Cantrell said he could not imagine a full gig not being able to service all the offices. He also added the sheriff's office might have to be on its own system in relation to the distance from other offices.
Mathis asked all office holders to compile a list of their needs and concerns for the commission to review.
He added after more research of the issue, the county might be required to take bids on communication services, at which point other providers will be allowed to present their offerings to the commission.
Assessor and Juvenile Office Vehicles Bid Opening
The Stoddard County Development Corporation opened bids received for vehicles for the assessor and juvenile offices.
While the bids were opened, Mathis said both offices will look over the bids received and report back during next week's commission meeting with their recommendations.
Three bids were received for the juvenile office vehicle including a 2019 Ford Explorer from Harry Blackwell Ford for $30,959; a 2018 Ford Utility Police Interceptor for $34,395 from Public Safety Upfitters of Fenton, Mo.; and a 2020 Ford Explorer from Lutesville Motor Company for $33,196.
Five bids were received for a vehicle for the assessor's office.
Harry Blackwell Dodge submitted a bid of $33,499 for a 2018 Dodge Ram 1500 Express Crew Cab 4x4 as well as a 2018 Dodge Ram 1500 Big Horn Crew Cab 4x4 for $41,441; Autry Morlan Chevrolet submitted a bid of $43,815 for a 2018 Chevy 1500 Silverado 4x4; and Lutesville Motor Company submitted two bid options including $34,294 for a 2019 Ford F150 4x4 crew cab and $36,033 for a 2018 Ford F150 4x4 crew cab.