October 2, 2018

Paycheck not better I'm calling about the article by Michael Jensen in the Sept. 12 issue of the DAR. It's titled "Come Visit Anytime Mr. President," talking about President Trump coming to Cape. There are plenty of Democrats around here in the Bootheel and Southeast Missouri that don't want to see this man come here. ...

Paycheck not better

I'm calling about the article by Michael Jensen in the Sept. 12 issue of the DAR. It's titled "Come Visit Anytime Mr. President," talking about President Trump coming to Cape. There are plenty of Democrats around here in the Bootheel and Southeast Missouri that don't want to see this man come here. We could, we HATE him! So you're not speaking for all of us. So I wish somebody that was on the Democratic side would print an article about that. And but one thing I take strong issue with is we don't have this statement that he says here and I quote, "we don't have to be told that our economy is improving because our paychecks tell us that." I keep hearing that all over the news and all over from other Republicans. I have news for you guys, our paychecks haven't went up. Have you checked with the local factory workers and local employees? I'd like Mr. Jensen to make a list of people who have had substantial pay raises other than maybe 25 cents since President Trump went to office. I think you'll find it hard to find the people in Southeast Missouri who's wages have gone up. Because I have been asking everybody 'have your wages gone up?' 'No they have not!' They have answered me that way. And I know ours have not in my personal circle of family and friends. So that is one thing that I'm really getting tired of Republicans saying. Yeah, there may be some job openings out there but the wages do not pay for your bills. Let me repeat that. Wages do not cover your bills. And that's one thing Republicans don't understand and probably never will.


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Hwy. 142 repairs

Yes, I'd like to address this to, I guess they got someone running this state shed out here at Doniphan, I kept thinking all summer long that we would get our Highway 142 West, get it striped maybe or some of the bad places fixed in the highway like there at Fourche Creek bridge where's it's got the big bump and a couple of the places where it's got pot holes. You know you ought to try driving that highway at nighttime when you can't see where the center line is, especially when it's raining. But someone above me that runs this place around here might be able to let them know out there, hey cause headed toward Doniphan, 21 North, 160 East, 160 West, it's all been striped, but they did bushhog one time out there this summer but hey don't forget about us out here on 142 West, we pay taxes too.


SB40 Board debate

I believe we, as citizens of Stoddard County need to get more involved with our tax dollars and how they're being spent by our commissioners, our Senate Bill 40 board and the workshop board. Our tax dollars are the benefit to the mentally disabled citizens of our county. When our commissioners, Senate Bill 40 board and shelter, Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop decide to place $350,000 dollars in repairs and maintenance on a 40-year-old-plus building I do not believe we are serving these disabled citizens. There's a new building that is built and has been planned for several years that these boards say sell and put the funds in an old building. Why cannot these people who are supposed to be the stewards of the tax dollars realize this is not a wise decision. Why cannot they realize that just moving the facility to a new building would be the wise decision. Do the math, put a pencil to it and see the figures just how much $350,000 dollars would pay on this new building and these disabled citizens would have a place to work out of the cold and with air conditioning and an adequate and safe workplace as we Stoddard County citizens are obligated to provide for them with our tax dollars that are collected.

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