September 11, 2018

Members of the Concerned Citizens of Stoddard County group returned to the commission meeting Tuesday, Sept. 4 to rehash the struggles between the Senate Bill 40 and Sheltered Workshop boards, as well as dive deeper into comments made during the pervious week's meeting regarding "omitted" information...

Members of the Concerned Citizens of Stoddard County group returned to the commission meeting Tuesday, Sept. 4 to rehash the struggles between the Senate Bill 40 and Sheltered Workshop boards, as well as dive deeper into comments made during the pervious week's meeting regarding "omitted" information.

Concerned Citizens of Stoddard County spokesperson Mike McCollough said he returned to the meeting to follow-up on a statement made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell last week stating repair estimates were omitted from the Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop's inspection report completed last year. The reports were distributed during a commission meeting several weeks ago by McCollough.

"I don't appreciate implication that I omitted anything," McCollough said.

An original report completed last year, Jarrell said, which was given to Larry McGonigal and the SB40 board, included repair estimates ranging between $30,000 and $50,000.

McCollough added the report he distributed was numbered by the author to include all 38 pages and the first paragraph stated the repair estimates were not included by the author.

He then asked Jarrell to "retract her accusation" that he submitted an incomplete report.

"I will not," Jarrell said. "I stand by what you gave me without the estimated costs."

She also added she had a report at home with the estimated repair costs on the front page of the inspection, but was not included in the distributed copy.

Jarrell told McCollough she would bring the original copy of the inspection she had to next week's commission meeting (Sept. 10) for him to see, but was absent from this Monday's meeting.

Being described as "concerned citizens of Stoddard County," Jarrell asked McCollough what he and other members were "really concerned about."

"The developmentally disabled," McCollough replied.

Jarrell questioned their concern about the developmentally disabled, yet not being concerned enough to see the SCSW includes developmentally disabled and has not received any funding for nine months from the SB40 board.

McCollough cited his interest in being appointed an SB40 board member since 2012 as proof of his concern. He also added he agreed with Bill Fischer, who last meeting expressed he believed Jarrell was biased toward the SCSW.

"As far as my bias I was accused of last week, I have said over and over I'm biased for the developmentally handicapped," Jarrell said.

After going back and forth on whether or not the SB40 board did everything they could to include the SCSW as a part of the new workshop and if clients were being influenced to change workshops, Jarrell said she was done talking and would get the original document to McCollough.

"I don't know who omitted (the estimates)," Jarrell said. "Maybe you didn't even know they were on there, maybe they were omitted from the SB40, I don't know."

Commissioner Steve Jordan said he didn't think anyone was questioning what McCollough distributed, but added there was an original inspection that included estimates.

According to McCollough, he said he has not been able to obtain records from the SCSW, so he could not get an original inspection report.

Jarrell reported the SB40 board was the first to receive a copy of the inspection and a copy could be obtained from SB40 administrator Dana McClure.

"I didn't say you personally omitted," she said.

Jarrell added she stood by her decision to reappoint new SB40 board members and was sorry if the group believed she was not concerned about the developmentally disabled, but questioned the group's concerns with funds not being given to the clients of the SCSW.

Shirley Carney expressed offense to Jarrell's comment regarding not being concerned for the developmentally disabled because Carney's brother is included.

"I have been fighting this fight for 40 years," Carney said. "I tried to get something done by going to (former SCSW director) Jim LaBrot and was blown off and told to leave meetings. I'm very much concerned."

Jarrell apologized for her comment and added the $724,000 spent on new office buildings would have made the SCSW "look brand new."

Discussion whether or not money for repairs should have been requested by LaBrot then ensued. Jordan said the change to a voucher system was now in place.

"I think we can beat this to death," Jarrell said. "There is a new board and they can decide what they want to do. It's up to them."

She continued by saying she will fight for the SCSW and also hopes Progressive Industries employees developmentally disabled.

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"I hope they (Progressive Industries) get some money," Jarrell said. "But with $389,000 coming from the taxpayers and take $100,000 for a loan payment and take other expenses coming out I guess you better pray there is a money tree in the backyard somewhere."

SCSW Interim Director Devin Miller told the group during the meeting he was not his grandfather, Jim LaBrot, a new board was in place and there was no choice but to move on.

Miller admitted repairs could have been completed over time, but he couldn't speak for what was not done 10, 20 and 30 years ago.

Questioning whether or not Carney wanted what was best for the SCSW, Miller said he believed she pulled her brother from the facility.

Carney quickly replied her brother left on his own accord, which led to a disagreement between the two.

"I think the best thing for every developmentally handicapped person is for the fingers to quit being pointed at this point," Jarrell said. "We need to work together. It's not about us, it's about them and having a place to work whether at the workshop or wherever."

With the SB40 board in control, Jordan suggested the group present their grievances to the board as well and believed they would listen to the concerns.

"At the end of the day the kids are what we need to be concerned about and I think we can agree on that," Carney said.

Jail Expansion Architectural Service Options

Dale Rogers of Robert Stearns and Associates, Inc., presented the commission with information depending which financing option the county chooses for the jail expansion. Whether the county chooses to go with bond financing, loan financing or lease purchase will make a difference on how the county will proceed with architect services, he said.

If the county chooses a lease purchase, Rogers said he and his team would be "out of the picture." During a lease purchase, the county would lease the project back from the builder, making them responsible for the architectural engineering cost.

"You have to give the property to them so they have responsibility of what happens," Rogers said.

Jordan said after speaking with attorney Ivan Schraeder, he hopes to get language prepared to see if any interest is garnered for the lease purchase option.

"We are also looking at the bonding deal and just try to make the best deal for the taxpayers," Jordan said.

The county also has a couple different options on delivery of the jail expansion.

According to Rogers, one option would be the design build option where contractors and the architectural engineer work together and deliver the project to the owners.

A downside to this method, according to Rogers, is the county would loose control of the project and turn it over to the contractors and architectural engineer. He added this does not mean the county can not make changes to the project, but it will cost each time a change is made.

"They are defining that project for a cost to you before the start," he said. "To do this, someone must first prepare documents so everyone is giving you the same project for the cost you intend to have."

Another option would be the construction management method where a consultant is hired to prepare prime bid packages for the county and will go out for multiple bids.

Described as the "fast track" method in construction, Rogers said the project could be able to start earlier under construction management, but the county is also responsible to pay for overlaps and gaps.

"The cost savings may not be an end savings that it looks like up front," he said.

Rogers expressed if the county would like to begin construction next summer he urged starting soon so bids will be ready by May 2019.

If involved with the project, Rogers said he preferred the traditional design build method.

"I have been doing it for over 40 years and even though you are not starting right away, the design is done so you don't have the overlaps and gaps later to deal with," he said.

Rogers also said he would turn over the prime architectural engineering contract to HMN Architects of Kansas City while he would serve as the local on-site architect and a liaison for HMN.

Rogers told the commission he would not present a proposal until told to do so if the county would be looking into other architectural engineers. He reminded the commission the selection must be made on qualification and not fee if looking into other firms.

Commissioners will continue to discuss their options and let Rogers know how they plan to proceed.

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