September 11, 2018

One day Jesus went into the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth and read a passage of scripture from the 61st chapter of Isaiah pertaining to himself, and, when he sat down, all eyes of them in the synagogue were fastened on him. He then said, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears." They wondered about his gracious words, but they could not believe he was the promised one because they "knew" he was the carpenter's son. ...

One day Jesus went into the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth and read a passage of scripture from the 61st chapter of Isaiah pertaining to himself, and, when he sat down, all eyes of them in the synagogue were fastened on him. He then said, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears." They wondered about his gracious words, but they could not believe he was the promised one because they "knew" he was the carpenter's son. And, when he, knowing their unbelief, spoke of how God had healed Naaman, the Syrian, of leprosy in Elisha's time, they became furious and sought to dispose of him, but he passed through their midst. That sounds like he walked through the crowd, and no one dared touch him. People haven't changed much since then, for as long as Jesus says what they want him to say or does not challenge them to think or live differently, he is great. But, when he points out their sins, especially their secret sins, then they are ready to dispose of him, usually by simply ignoring him.

I want you to note the day the people focused their eyes on Jesus; not the scroll from which he read, nor the synagogue in which they were assembled; which is to say we must focus our eyes and affections on Jesus and not on the preacher nor the book from which he preaches nor on the church as an institution. The preacher is the mouth piece for Jesus. It is his duty to point every soul unto him as the Son of God and Savior-Redeemer of the world. If he fails to do that, he fails in his ministry, regardless of how well he does other things.

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Fasten your eyes upon Jesus and you will always find inspiration and strength to overcome the temptations that surround you. When materialism is about to envelop you, look to him who had no place to lay his head, yet lived the greatest life ever lived.

When burdened with anxiety, fasten your eyes upon Jesus and hear him say, "Take no thought for tomorrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and these shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33, 34.

Fasten your eyes upon Jesus, and evil passions cannot enter your life.

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