August 26, 2018

Stoplight wanted Yes, I'd just like to say if our officials in Poplar Bluff want to do something big and spend tax dollars of our money, they need to put a stoplight over there across from Planet X where Hastings is (was). For cars that like to cross in the turn lane, into other people's lane and almost side swipe them. They can put a stoplight over there and eliminate all that. Thank you...

Stoplight wanted

Yes, I'd just like to say if our officials in Poplar Bluff want to do something big and spend tax dollars of our money, they need to put a stoplight over there across from Planet X where Hastings is (was). For cars that like to cross in the turn lane, into other people's lane and almost side swipe them. They can put a stoplight over there and eliminate all that. Thank you.

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Election time

Hello Speakout. I'd like to remind the citizens of Poplar Bluff and Butler County that we're coming up to an election again. And it, you should be aware, but if you're not, many of these folks running for election, to build a resume of civic activities, have joined various clubs and societies and have taken various trainings. And if you're at all familiar with, say the Dale Carnegie program, you know that you have to be suspicious of anything nice that's said to you by someone who's been to one of those clinics. My point being many people join organizations, societies and so on to build a resume, not to do good in the community. They seldom show up at meetings; when they do show up at meetings they shirk any responsibility of taking care of the organization's business. As a former member of the Jaycees, the group I was in had 50 people, members and they put it down that they were members and about 12 of us would show up to meetings and show up to do the civic works that were done. And yet everyone claimed responsibility. So just be aware who you're voting for and if their resume is basically a scam. Thank you very much.

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