Puxico First General Baptist Kids are collecting T-shirts for a worthwhile project.
New or old, kids or adults sizes, white or colored, with a few holes or stains will be used to make jump ropes for the Operation Christmas Child Shoe box Ministry. The T-shirts are cut into strips and then the strips are braided together, turning T-shirts into awesome jump ropes for children in other countries.
The jump ropes are added to the OCC shoebox along with school supplies, hygiene products and other small items. The shoebox opens the door for the gospel to be shared with children and their families in countries around the world.
The kids under the direction of Marvin and Sheila Jones have packed 500 boxes each year for the past several years.
There is a drop-off box for T-shirts at Bill's Market during the month of August. If you have any questions call 222-6133.
Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase. I Corinthians 3:6. Some donate T-shirts, some cut into strips, some braid into jump ropes, but God gives the increase.