August 8, 2018

As the final precincts were being tallied, Stoddard County Sheriff Carl Hefner congratulated a room full of people watching election results roll in at the County Government Building. He announced the win not only for the sheriff's department, but also for the citizens of Stoddard County...

As the final precincts were being tallied, Stoddard County Sheriff Carl Hefner congratulated a room full of people watching election results roll in at the County Government Building. He announced the win not only for the sheriff's department, but also for the citizens of Stoddard County.

"I think the people of Stoddard County realized it was a public safety issue," Hefner said. "It's something we needed and they done the right thing, got out and supported it and we passed this thing by almost 60 percent."

The first proposition asked for a county-wide sales tax of one half of one percent for the purpose of maintaining the Stoddard County Jail and sheriff's office operations with no sunset.

The second proposition asked for a county-wide sales tax of one half of one percent for the purpose of the renovation of the existing jail, construction, equipment and design cost of a jail addition, which would sunset in seven years.

The preliminary funding is estimated to be a little over $9 million.

The propositions passed in every precinct within the county but one.

Jail renovations will not begin overnight. Funds generated from the propositions will have to build before anything can be done, but Hefner is relieved a solution to the overcrowded 28-bed facility is in the works.

"Everybody knows the condition of our jail," Hefner said. "It's just a big liability for the county and this is going to help alleviate that liability."

The Stoddard County Sheriff's Department is operating short two road deputies at this time to cover over 800 square miles, 950 miles of roadways and 29,000 citizens.

Hefner has said the loss of deputies boiled down to the starting base pay of $11.62 per hour. He is now looking forward to offering a better pay for his employees.

"I am positive now I'm going to be able to hire some good quality, highly trained people and keep them here," he said. "We couldn't keep them before, but since this passed, I'm pretty sure we can keep them."
