August 5, 2018

Vote for freedom with 'yes' We believe in freedom as Americans. We cherish it. We protect it. We teach it. And yet in Missouri, some employees do not have the freedom to choose whether they join a union or not. Proposition A would guarantee that freedom...

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with 'yes'

We believe in freedom as Americans. We cherish it. We protect it. We teach it. And yet in Missouri, some employees do not have the freedom to choose whether they join a union or not. Proposition A would guarantee that freedom.

Proposition A does not remove or limit the freedoms of ANYONE. It protects the freedoms for EVERYONE.

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It does not void any contract unions have negotiated. It does not eliminate anyone's job. It does not kill unions. It does not force union members to quit the union.

It does make unions work harder to earn the dues of members. It does make Missouri more attractive to businesses deciding what state to operate in, which brings jobs, which brings economic growth.

With all the misinformation floating around on this issue, it is not hard to understand why there is so much confusion. In reality, it truly is a very simple issue.

If a conservative who believes in the Second Amendment and the sanctity of all life is forced to join a union and pay dues, and the union turns around and uses those dues to supports a gun control and pro-abortion candidate, the employees principles are undermined. Proposition A would right this wrong.

Vote for FREEDOM. Vote "YES" on Proposition A.

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