August 3, 2018

The Twin Rivers R-X School District is rolling out a new registration process for the 2018-19 school year in hopes of having a majority of student's information updated by the first day of school. Royal Registration will be held from 1-7 p.m. Tuesday at Twin Rivers High School for all K-12 students in the district. ...

The Twin Rivers R-X School District is rolling out a new registration process for the 2018-19 school year in hopes of having a majority of student's information updated by the first day of school.

Royal Registration will be held from 1-7 p.m. Tuesday at Twin Rivers High School for all K-12 students in the district. During the event, booths will be set up to turn in updated enrollment forms, receive schedules and classroom assignments, discuss student health concerns with nurses, ask transportation questions and students will have their school photos taken by Inter-State Studios.

"It's a quick in-and-out process," Twin Rivers Counselor Christina Miller said. "We are trying to make it a streamline process and smooth as possible. Ultimately, we are trying to unify the process district wide."

According to Miller, the new registration process was introduced for a number of reasons including a safety perspective.

Miller said the school is aiming to update emergency contact information before the start of school in the event phone numbers were needed and are outdated.

"The security of knowing a parent completes the contact information is priceless," she said.

A parent or guardian will need to accompany students to Royal Registration along with a photo ID and piece of formal mail, such as a bill, with a physical address to verify residency.

Parents completing registration papers prior to the beginning of school also allows better communication between the school and parents, Miller believes.

Senior College and Career Counselor Anna Whitlow said Royal Registration will provide a centralized location to help families as they complete the required paperwork for a new school year.

Qulin Principal Seth McBroom believes the new registration process will be a great opportunity for the district.

"It will help us receive all the important student information and keep everything updated," he said. "It's a great way to complete paperwork without sending a packet of papers home with each student at the beginning of the year."

Packets were mailed in July and included enrollment paperwork and school photo order forms to be returned during Royal Registration.

If the paperwork was lost or not received, extra copies will be available Tuesday evening. The packets were mailed to save parent's time by completing the forms before attending Royal Registration.

Nurses will be in attendance to discuss student health needs and accepting medication that will need to be given during school hours. Updated shot records will also be accepted, if applicable.

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"I'm excited to talk one-on-one with the parents about student health issues," said high school nurse Kim Morgeson. "I believe it will give us a better understanding of each student's needs. I think it will help open up communication throughout the year when they've met us in person."

Families will also be able to meet with support staff including counselors, the social worker, administrators, secretaries and the transportation director to have any questions or concerns addressed.

"We want to make ourselves available," Miller said. "I am excited about the opportunity to see and visit with parents in person. We don't get to see parents often from the office perspective and interact with them. It will be nice to put a face with names."

Twin Rivers High School Principal Misti Lovelace said she is looking forward to the interaction with students and parents as well during Royal Registration.

"I'm really excited about how this is helping to bring our district together," she said.

Students will need to come ready to have their school photos taken by Inter-State Studios while at Royal Registration.

Taking school photos before the start of school allows teachers, bus drivers and staff to learn their student's names and faces before the school year begins.

Pictures taken before school will also cut down on time out of class and allow for more instructional time, Miller said.

Twin Rivers Social Worker Amber Windhorst is excited from a parent's perspective to be able to see her child's photo being taken to ensure they give their true smile.

"We are hopeful for a good turnout to get as many students updated as possible," Miller said.

With Royal Registration being a new process, she realizes there will be conflicts and not everyone will be able to attend.

If a student and their parent are not able to attend, Miller said they must call the school to receive a time to get registered and update data. School photos will be taken on picture make-up day later in the school year.

"We are hoping a majority of the district will be there on the 7th," Miller said.

The first day of school for the district is Thursday, Aug. 16.

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