July 27, 2018

Experience and a dedication to public service were cited Thursday by several Republican candidates for Butler County and state offices which will be decided in a primary election Aug. 7 and general election Nov. 6. A forum was hosted by the Butler County Republican Central Committee for contested races of state representative for the 153rd and 152nd districts, as well as county prosecutor, Division II judge and treasurer. ...

Experience and a dedication to public service were cited Thursday by several Republican candidates for Butler County and state offices which will be decided in a primary election Aug. 7 and general election Nov. 6.

A forum was hosted by the Butler County Republican Central Committee for contested races of state representative for the 153rd and 152nd districts, as well as county prosecutor, Division II judge and treasurer. One U.S. Senate candidate, Austin Petersen, also participated in the event at Three Rivers College.

The most important thing to take away from the event is that everyone needs to vote, said Eddy Justice, committee chairperson.

"We have got to turn out to vote, and we have got to get a majority of our county out to vote, because the only way that a small section of our county doesn't make all of our decisions is if we all get out and vote and all make a difference for Butler County," said Justice.

The results of this election will mark the first time in Butler County's history that no candidates from other parties have filed for local offices, Justice said.

"This will be the first time as of January, that Butler County will not have one single Democrat or other party official in (county office)," Justice said. "I'm proud of you guys for that."

In addition to candidate supporters, the event also drew a small group of protestors who held signs in the lobby reading, "Hate is not a family value."

Poplar Bluff High School student Brett Keele said the intent was to be as respectful as possible, while sharing their opinion.

Youth had questions for 152nd candidate Hardy Billington regarding statements he has previously made regarding homosexuality, and for 153rd candidate Jeff Shawan about education funding.

Billington has previously compared homosexuality to being as detrimental to public health as smoking, Keele said.

"When you put out information like that, it is definitely harmful. It allows people to be ignorant about people who aren't like them," he said. "We decided it's 2018, and there's no place in the world for this sort of hatred and bigotry."

Education funding has also been cut in recent years, impacting a district like the 153rd, which is one of the poorer areas, Keele said.

"For people around here to be successful, they need to have the same opportunities and advantages that people from richer areas of the state and the country have," he said.

Each candidate was given five minutes to speak during the event, grouped by race and appearing in ballot order.

State candidates made a commitment to conservative values when speaking during the event, while county candidates spoke at length about their experience and dedication to public service.

Additional coverage of each of these races will appear next week in the Daily American Republic, along with detailed information on each candidate's education, work history, and stance on a variety of issues.

State rep 152nd

Billington, who is not opposed in the primary, but faces Democrat Robert Smith in the general election, said he was motivated to run for the 152nd seat by his faith and love of country.

"I believe everyone here knows I am 100 percent pro life and I have been endorsed by Missouri Right to Life," said Billington. "I am also 100 percent pro Second Amendment and these are hills I will die on."

This election will create winners and losers, he said.

"You put your whole life into a campaign and to lose a race, you feel like you have lost your dream," Billington continued. "But never give up. Continue on and fight for the things you believe in."

State rep 153rd

Jack "Skip" Johnson is a Ripley County native, former U.S. Marine, and worked for children's charities for more than 30 years.

He spoke of defending God, country and the Constitution.

"The second amendment is a very vital part of that constitution that keeps our country safe," said Johnson, adding both the Second Amendment and the ability to purchase bullets is being attacked.

The government needs to be kicked out of homes and churches, as well as be more accountable, he said.

"I hate the idea of them telling us our preachers have to marry gays, or our community has to bake cakes for homosexual weddings," Johnson said. "It's not in our beliefs. It's not in my Bible. I don't think it's in yours either."

If elected, it would be his job to do what the constituents wanted, according to Johnson.

Jeff Shawan promised his approach would be based on his Christian faith, conservative values and Republican beliefs.

An ardent advocate of the Constitution, Shawan said he has received the highest rating the National Rifle Association can give a candidate who has not yet voted on an issue.

"I'm always going to be looking to support the Constitution," Shawan said, adding later, "Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, I am going to represent you with vigor, and I will always listen to whatever you have to say."

Shawan also thanked Justice, who will step down as committee chairperson in August, listing a number of accomplishments. Those included Justice's seat as chairman for the Eighth Congressional District committee and treasurer of the House Republican campaign committee.


Wade Pierce told the audience he brings invaluable courtroom and trial experience to the position of Division II associate circuit judge, after almost 22 years practicing law. His work has included serving as assistant prosecutor for four and a half years and handling Judge John Bloodworth's docket during that time.

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"It's important the rule of law be upheld, the law be applied fairly and faithfully, that our Constitution be upheld and protected," said Pierce, adding later, "You deserve a judge that will make those well reasoned and thoughtful decisions, if I didn't think I was the right person for this job ... I wouldn't be standing here..."

Ralph Innes cited success arguing cases in front of the Missouri Court of Appeals and Missouri Supreme Court as among his qualifications.

Principles learned from his parents, as well as in the Army as a paratrooper, are also important, he said, speaking of honesty, fairness, discipline, respect and the ability to make decisive decisions.

"I have the life experiences and the legal experiences that we expect from a judge ...," Innes said. "There's only two things we ask for whenever we're being judged. We want the judge to have knowledge in that subject, and to be fair. I can promise you, I am both."


Paul Oesterreicher believes after trying more than 100 jury trials in his career and filing thousands of cases, he has the experience to be the next prosecutor. Oesterreicher is currently assistant Butler County prosecutor.

"I'm dedicated to both my family and seeing that Butler County is a safe place to raise a family," said Oesterreicher, adding he has spent many hours in the prosecutor's office working toward that goal because he believes in doing a job right.

His goals would include improving communication with law enforcement to make prosecution swifter and more efficient, as well as helping victims of crime better understand the justice system.

He has also taken a strong stance against criminals who use guns to commit crimes and drug dealers, seeing they get longer criminal sentences, Oesterreicher said.

"I feel I've got the experience, both as a prosecutor and life experience to be the next prosecutor," he said.

Candidate Kacey Proctor was represented at the event by his wife, Ashley. Kacey Proctor is currently serving in the Middle East with the Missouri National Guard. His deployment is due to end shortly after the election and before new officials are sworn in Jan. 1. He has worked with prosecutor's offices in Ripley, Carter and Stoddard counties, and as Poplar Bluff city prosecutor.

As a law student, Proctor said her husband worked with a nonprofit law group that helped homeless veterans and other less fortunate people.

"It was through his work with this organization that he first saw how unfairly certain cases are prosecuted. This helped reinforce Kacey's desire to become a prosecutor, to ensure that every case and every individual is treated equally and fairly," she said.

He has a passion for keeping the community safe and a focus on cases that involve child sexual or physical abuse, domestic violence or driving under the influence, she said.

"He has the experience, training, leadership skills and passion to make a great prosecutor," Proctor said. "If elected, he will dedicate himself to serving this community and work tirelessly to make it a safer place to live, work and raise a family."


Tammy Marler wants to put 27 years experience in the Butler County clerk's office to work as treasurer.

Marler said she already works closely with the treasurer's office through her current duties, which include overseeing financials for the clerk's office and helps with apportionment of money to taxing entities.

"I have 27 years of hands-on experience, along with the skill, the determination and the ability to run a smooth, professional, efficient treasurer's office," Marler said.

Dan Conover plans to let his experience speak for itself, after more than 37 years as an employee of American Superstores. He has more than 20 years experience as a business and accounting manager.

"I believe now is the time for me to use the financial skills I have developed working with the people of our community to give back to and further our county. The county needs a highly qualified person of integrity," he said.

Many aspects of his current job are similar to what is needed in the treasurer's office, he said, adding he has had several mandatory audits in his position and each was found compliant.

Dennis Shearrer operated and owned an insurance and professional services company for more than 40 years, helping clients preserve their assets and prepare for retirement.

As a business owner, he oversaw personnel, budgets and set goals, which were achieved, he said.

"I think all of those qualities and responsibilities make me familiar with each and every aspect of the treasurer's office here in Butler County," he said, adding, "I will work my very best to grow the assets of Butler County."

Jerrica Fox is currently executive director of Downtown Poplar Bluff Inc., and has previously held positions with First Midwest Bank and as a Poplar Bluff City Council member.

She believes her optimism, high energy level, desire to be a problem solver and to resolve issues promptly define who she is.

"I can make one promise to all of you tonight and that is that I will perform each of my job duties in a professional, ethical, confidential and transparent manner. I will commit no less than 100 percent of myself to being your next Butler County treasurer," she said.

U.S. Senate

Austin Petersen is one of 11 Republican candidates for the seat currently held by Claire McCaskill, a Democrat. He was the only senate candidate to participate Thursday.

Petersen said he is not the candidate chosen by the Republican establishment for this position. He described himself as a trouble maker who might vote against spending bills, but could vote to expand gun rights.

He supports getting rid of gun free zones, saying they "make our children soft targets."

"I believe an armed society is a polite society. I believe the Second Amendment is the last bulwark against tyranny. It's not about hunting, unless you're talking about hunting tyrants," Petersen said.

He is not trying to be a politician, but a statesman, according to Petersen.

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