July 22, 2018

ELLSINORE -- An Ellsinore man who had been on the lam for four days after allegedly fatally shooting another man, turned himself in to the Carter County Sheriff's Department late Friday night. Authorities had been searching for Jason E. Roberts since early Tuesday morning...

ELLSINORE -- An Ellsinore man who had been on the lam for four days after allegedly fatally shooting another man, turned himself in to the Carter County Sheriff's Department late Friday night.

Authorities had been searching for Jason E. Roberts since early Tuesday morning.

The 44-year-old is charged with the Class A felony of first-degree murder and the unclassified felony of armed criminal action in connection with the shooting death of Rudy H. Hernandez. The 34-year-old died from a gunshot wound to the head.

Authorities learned of Hernandez's death at about 12:10 a.m. Tuesday when deputies with the Carter County Sheriff's Department and the East Carter Ambulance were sent to a home on County Road 327 (Elm Springs Road) for a reported shooting.

Witnesses identified Roberts, who had a dispute with Hernandez the prior evening, as the alleged shooter and reported he had fled Hernandez's home on foot armed with a rifle after the shooting.

An extensive manhunt was conducted by officers with the sheriff's department, Missouri State Highway Patrol and Ellsinore Police Department.

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As the search for Roberts continued, Carter County Sheriff Rick Stephens said, officers followed leads and interviewed/re-interviewed potential witnesses.

"We had been continuing to interview people and search several areas," Stephens explained. "As I spoke to people in the community, I shared my interest in Mr. Roberts turning himself in to ensure the safety of everyone involved, including him, in hope that would get back to him and encourage him to turn himself in."

At about 11:10 p.m. Friday, Stephens said, a "community member" contacted the sheriff's department and spoke with Chief Deputy Justin Eudaley.

"They assured (Eudaley) that Mr. Roberts wanted to turn himself in," Stephens said.

A location was chosen, and "he turned himself in to deputies without incident," Stephens said. "He was taken into custody in the Ellsinore area."

Roberts subsequently was booked, and Stephens said, he and Eudaley spoke with him prior to him being lodged at the Butler County Justice Center.

Roberts now is being held on a $1 million cash or corporate surety bond after the "court on its own motion" ordered "the conditions of (the) bond be amended" from $250,000 cash or corporate surety on Friday.

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