July 17, 2018

From Staff Reports The Puxico Board of Aldermen approved budgets, paving projects, a request for liquor by the drink license and learned about the possible sale of property for unpaid taxes June 28. Attending were Mayor Rick McLean and aldermen Gary Burns, Peter Coutavas and Charles Fann. Alderman GS Kilbreth was absent...

From Staff Reports

The Puxico Board of Aldermen approved budgets, paving projects, a request for liquor by the drink license and learned about the possible sale of property for unpaid taxes June 28.

Attending were Mayor Rick McLean and aldermen Gary Burns, Peter Coutavas and Charles Fann. Alderman GS Kilbreth was absent.

The amended FY2018 budget and the FY2019 budget were both approved. In the FY2019 budget, the only department planning on a deficit budget is the historical museum who plans to use the balance in the fund to do repair and improvements.

The regularly scheduled June 21 meeting was postponed to give city accountant Wayne Jean time to amend the FY 2017 and FY 2019 budgets. In the FY2018 Amended Budget, the general fund showed a balance of $17,376 at yearend. The sewer depreciation and replacement fund showed an increase of approximately $70,000, which is due to the sewer rate increase. The increase in sewer funds will be used as the city begins a major sewer improvement project.

City Clerk Alice Patrick said the county land sale for properties owing at least two years of taxes would be Aug. 27 and the city, at the moment, the city has four pieces of property that could be placed on the land sale list.

The clerk also asked the members to check information concerning ECode to determine if they wished to pay to have the city code placed online. General Code, the company the city uses to update its code book as ordinances are passed, offers the ability to place the entire city code online so that it is available for all to look at.

The board approved paying $2,300 to Asa Asphalt for seal coating and striping of E. Richardson Avenue's business parking area. Maintenance supervisor David Hawthorne reported plans to do the post office side street repair work using Asa Asphalt, who also has given the city a quote to seal coat and stripe the parking area on Main street. Since Asa Asphalt will be in town doing these two jobs, Hawthorne asked the board to consider what other street repair they wished to have done with this year's budgeted funds so all work could possibly be done at the same time.

Coutavas asked members survey their portion of the town, make a list of buildings in disrepair that need to be inspected to determine if they need to be either repaired or torn down and bring the list to the regular July meeting. He also stated the list should include those properties in violation of the tall grass ordinance.

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Coutavas moved the city approve a by the drink liquor license for Casa Lopez, with the license to be issued once the business has obtained it state liquor license, paid the $450 yearly fee for the City license and shown proof that the establishment is bonded in the amount of $10,000. Fann seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, Fann voted yes, Burns no and Kilbreth was absent.

Marshal Rick Sheren reported his office had worked several cases and assisted the county and highway patrol 12 times. The department has received a free body camera. Sheren asked the mayor to appoint Royce Champion as a reserve officer and Mayor McLean made the appointment and the other aldermen approved it. Mayor McLean declined reappointing Ryan McLeary as a reserve officer, but after discussion Coutavas moved he be rehired. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, Fann ABSTAIN: Burns ABSENT: Kilbreth

Fire Chief Stacy Starnes said, "Sound the Alarm" program was not held because Red Cross was unable to be present and it will be done at a later date. The department is working on a no match grant that can be applied for by nonprofit organizations. The tanker is in need of tires. Starnes showed blueprints for a possible new fire station.

Bonnie Wilfong resigned from the historical museum board and the mayor appointed Margie Franklin to fill the rest of Wilfong's term which ends in 2020 and the aldermen approve the appointment.

Under emergency management, the Stoddard County Emergency Management Director Kent Polsgrove had given the board members a copy of the City of Puxico's section of the County's Emergency Management disaster plan. This section lists people in Puxico responsible for specific actions to be carried out by the plan in Puxico. The board is to review the descriptions of each action and who is responsible to determine if any changes need to be made before the plan is published in September.

Under unfinished business, a bill to approve salary increases for appointed city officials and employees was approved. The new

Larry Doublin, who had attended the Animal Control workshop at Sikeston in June, reported Jesse Crank would do the metal framework on the cages and other repair work for $13.25 an hour. The job would take approximately 10 hours. Coutavas moved the city hire Crank to do the repair work at $13.25 an hour for 10 hours and approve an expenditure of up to $200 in materials to get the repair work completed. Doublin is to oversee the repair work and is to be paid the animal control officer salary of $9 for 10 hours, and when the work is completed and received the inspector's approval, Doublin will begin the job of animal control officer. The motion carried.

The aldermen will take another look at a bill to establish regulations for the operation of golf carts and motorized wheelchairs upon city streets, alleys and highway. Burns was concerned the section limiting the use of motorized wheelchairs between the hours of sunrise and sunset and the limits placed on handicapped people. Fann, who has worked on the bill, will review the bill and determine what changes might need to be made before it is passed.

Under unfinished business, a bill to approve salary increases for appointed city officials and employees was approved. The new salary will go into effect with the first pay period in July 2018.

The board reviewed the bills. Coutavas stated the city seemed to be paying a large amount for AT&T phone services--mobile phones, internet and landlines--and he asked that the clerk check with AT&T to see if there were cheaper rates available if everything was combined into one bill.

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