City council
The Poplar Bluff City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the city council chambers.
Items on the workshop agenda include:
Conveyance of right-of-way from the Cripple Creek Transportation Development District to the city.
Review of an Adopt-a-Street program.
Amendment to the fiscal year 2018 budget to include a special allocation fund.
Items on the action agenda include:
Conflict of interest policy.
A closed session is also planned.
The Municipal Utilities Advisory Board will meet at 3 p.m. Monday at the utility office.
Items on the agenda include a review of the fiscal year 2017 audit.
Parks board
The Poplar Bluff Parks and Recreation Board will meet at 5 p.m. Monday at the park office.
Items on the agenda include reports on programs, financials and projects.
The Black River Coliseum Advisory Board will meet at noon Friday at the coliseum to discuss past and future events.
Meetings of the animal control advisory, tree advisory, plumbing and airport advisory boards, and board of adjustments have been cancelled for next week.