June 15, 2018

Realizing how often people go without any relational connection in the world, Pastor Greg Gilberto decided to step outside the four walls of the church and reach out to the unchurched. "Something was missing," Gilberto said after realizing how often he frequented drive-thrus for business. "I wondered how convenient it would be if somebody who was unchurched wanted a moment of hope."...

Realizing how often people go without any relational connection in the world, Pastor Greg Gilberto decided to step outside the four walls of the church and reach out to the unchurched.

"Something was missing," Gilberto said after realizing how often he frequented drive-thrus for business. "I wondered how convenient it would be if somebody who was unchurched wanted a moment of hope."

As a way to get outside the church and into the community, the Prayer Stop was born.

The blue tent donned with yellow signs displaying "Prayer Stop" has been seen next to Long John Silvers, Walmart and the courthouse gazebo in Poplar Bluff.

At least once a week, Gilberto makes an effort to set up the Prayer Stop and invites people under the blue tent to pray with them and offer words of hope.

"This is very vulnerable and one of the craziest things I've done," Gilberto said. "I'm sitting out here and don't know who is going to show up."

During his fourth time setting up the Prayer Stop, Gilberto said about 50 people have stopped by for prayer from near and far over the past week.

While at Long John Silvers, Gilberto said many people wanted to stay in their vehicles during the heat of the afternoon, so he prayed with them from their cars.

"It ended up being a drive-thru because we had three or four in a row," he said.

Assuming most would be from Poplar Bluff, Gilberto said only a couple hometown folks have stepped under the tent.

People from as far as Texas, Washington, Illinois and Arkansas have received prayers from the pastor as well as Doniphan and Neelyville.

"Even people who don't stop are very appreciative," Gilberto said while waving to passing vehicles. "The thankfulness has been overwhelming. I'm not doing anything special, but just being vulnerable. I'm not sure if it's vulnerable, crazy or innovative?"

According to Gilberto, the two most common prayers asked for involve marriages and finances.

The "hardest" location Gilberto said the Prayer Stop has been was the courthouse gazebo because people are coming out of court and it may have not been the best day.

"We are reaching out to people we would not normally reach," he said. "The unchurched people don't come to church for a reason, but people still need hope and they know prayer is the answer."

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One example came from a woman exiting the courthouse who stopped by the Prayer Stop at the gazebo.

She told Gilberto she was a prostitute and asked for a prayer for her boyfriend who had been stabbed.

"You won't hear that on a Sunday morning," Gilberto said. "I was floored!"

For years, Gilberto said he thought if he could just get the people in church, everything would be fine.

"That was totally backward," he said. "Two-thirds of God's name is go."

Realizing it would be easier to sit in a pew in the air conditioning and hope someone shows up, Gilberto said desperate people don't care if prayers are offered under a tent when it's hot and humid.

Of the 50 people who have stepped into the Prayer Stop, Gilberto said about five attend a church.

"But every one of those people were so desperate and hungry for God," he said.

The Prayer Stop has filled a gap for Gilberto and given him something to be excited about outside the doors of the church.

"Church business sometimes gets in the way of real ministry," he said. "This is raw. I've never prayed with a prostitute before and I would not have known if she hadn't told me."

While Gilberto is the pastor at Northpoint Nazarene Church in Poplar Bluff, he said he is not trying to sell anyone on his church.

"This is totally a Kingdom thing," he said. "I'm not promoting my church, I'm promoting the Kingdom of God."

Rhonda Pryor of Poplar Bluff stepped under the Prayer Stop tent and said she believed what Gilberto was doing is "wonderful."

"A lot are not going to go into the church for prayer. They are looking for you to come on the outside," she said. "Christ has called us to be servants and this is one way (Gilberto) serves by stepping out and praying."

The next chance to catch Gilberto and the Prayer Stop will be at the United Gospel Rescue Mission's Family Fun Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at 400 S. Broadway.

If anyone in a high traffic area would like to request the Prayer Stop be at their location, call Gilberto at 573-686-2201.

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