June 7, 2018

Area youth learned the basics of horsemanship this week through a partnership between the University of Missouri-Butler County Extension Office and the Three Rivers College rodeo team. For three days, nearly 20 children between the ages of 8-18 attended 4-H Horse Camp at the Three Rivers College farm near Fairdealing...

Area youth learned the basics of horsemanship this week through a partnership between the University of Missouri-Butler County Extension Office and the Three Rivers College rodeo team.

For three days, nearly 20 children between the ages of 8-18 attended 4-H Horse Camp at the Three Rivers College farm near Fairdealing.

"We have kids from all over Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas," said 4-H Youth Development Specialist Kristi Baker. "They've come from all over the area for this horse camp. This is our third year and it just keeps getting bigger and better every year."

Baker said a blend of experts and volunteers introduced topics such as horse care, horsemanship safety, ground handling, saddling and mounting, preparing a horse for shows and how to ride a horse. Many of the children, she added, have no prior experience with horses.

"They're soaking it up," she said. "There's something about a horse and a kid and so much unconditional love between the two. It's heartwarming to watch the kids interact with the horses. It really builds their confidence and brings their personality and their character up to a higher level."

This is the first year the Extension has partnered with TRC, Baker said, adding that Rodeo Coach Chad Phipps has "gone above and beyond" her expectations.

"The rodeo kids have been out here step by step with these kids, teaching them all about horses and showing them things," she said. "We hope we can light a fire in these kids for a passion for horses. That's our goal."

On Tuesday, members of the TRC Rodeo team took turns running barrel racing patterns for the 4-H group. Phipps said it is important to expose children to horses at a young age because the care and dedication required to care for the animals teaches responsibility.

"The horse industry is what more of America needs right now," Phipps said. "More kids need to learn responsibility and to take responsibility for themselves. When they're around horses, it's the best way to do that. Horses have to be taken care of 365 days a year, no matter what. They can't feed themselves, so these kids learn responsibility, as well as have some fun riding them."

Amber Whaley, 15, of Doniphan, began riding when she was 7-years-old. She was given the opportunity to run a barrel pattern on her horse, Holiday, after the Rodeo team finished.

"It was fun," Whaley said. "I've never competed but I'm hoping to Saturday at the Saddle Club in barrel racing."

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Because of Whaley's experience, she was selected as a group leader for the duration of the camp. She said a primary focus is helping to build confidence in the younger riders with less experience.

"I love this and showing people what I do," she said. "Working with horses, for me, is very therapeutic."

Cammie Younger, nutrition and health education specialist for the Carter County Extension said she used the camp as an opportunity teach the youngsters about taking care of their bodies by relating nutrition for horses to nutrition for humans.

"It was a great way to tie into what we need to do as humans to keep our bodies healthy, as well," Younger said. "Today we've talked about calcium and we've talked about things horses like to eat that are similar to what humans like to eat, like carrots and apples and what those nutrients are and what they do for our bodies."

Phipps said when approached about the partnership with the MU Extension, he was quick to comply.

"This is the future of our sport, our industry, the agriculture world, the horse world," he said. "We need more of these camps."

Phipps said in the future, he would like to expand the summer program to include a rodeo element aiming "to teach kids about both ends of the arena."

He said operation of the Three Rivers farm takes a village, and thanked McGee Farm Equipment and Baker Implement for providing him with the tools necessary to host various events and maintain the college's program.

Stephanie Milner, 4-H Youth Development Specialist, said 4-H is open to children ages 5-18, as of Jan. 1. She said youth, aged 8 and above, are able to attend various recreational camps with animals and other enrichment activities.

Milner said there are various 4-H clubs scattered throughout the area and dues are $20 per year.

Anyone interested in joining the University of Missouri Extension office's 4-H program should call 573-686-8064 for more information.

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