May 22, 2018

DEXTER -- Dexter R-XI Schools will become a one-to-one computing district beginning in the fall. At Monday's regular monthly meeting, the Board of Education unanimously approved a lease agreement for Chromebooks to be used at the Middle School. The one-to-one initiative allows students access to the internet, digital course materials and digital textbooks. ...

DEXTER -- Dexter R-XI Schools will become a one-to-one computing district beginning in the fall. At Monday's regular monthly meeting, the Board of Education unanimously approved a lease agreement for Chromebooks to be used at the Middle School.

The one-to-one initiative allows students access to the internet, digital course materials and digital textbooks. Dexter's Chromebooks will be leased from New Jersey based SHI International. The annual payment nears $36,000 for three years. The total cost of the lease is approximately $106,000.

Superintendent C.A. Counts said students at TS Hill Middle School will each be supplied with an 11-inch Chromebook and case at the beginning of the 2018-19 academic year. Counts said there will be an associated user fee for the devices, but the amount has not yet been determined. He said he anticipates the fee landing between $35 and $50 per student.

According to plans presented at the meeting, students will use the same laptop from sixth through eighth grade. At the end of the eighth grade year, the computer will rotate back for sixth grade use, Counts said. Eventually the Chromebooks will be incorporated at other schools throughout the district.

Dexter does not plan to purchase the Chromebooks at the end of the three year period, according to the terms of the vote.

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Asst. Superintendent Gavin Miller said per Google's content filtering system, students will safely be able to connect to the internet when away from school and the restrictions will remain in place. Miller said an eight-hour training session for teachers is scheduled at the end of July.

Board members approved the dyslexia universal screener AIMSweb Plus. Signed by Gov. Jay Nixon in 2016, a state mandate requiring all Missouri public school students to be screened for dyslexia goes into effect at the start of the 2018-19 school year.

According to school officials, the screening will not provide a medical diagnoses for students, but will allow the district to relay information to parents when a child displays dyslexic characteristics. At that point, it is at the parent's discretion to follow up with a physician.

The measure also requires Missouri teachers receive two hours of training on methods to address the disorder.

Discussion on student handbook updates was tabled after Counts requested another month to ensure all policies were correctly aligned. He said the district is replacing its current Missouri School Board Association policies with those of Missouri Consultants for Education. Counts said it is important all policies align with MCE before receiving board approval.

The next Dexter R-XI Board of Education meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 28 in the basement of the Administration Building.

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