May 22, 2018

By NOREEN HYSLOPSEMO News Service BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- Members of the Bloomfield Board of Education May 15 approved a raise for their certified staff and an increase in the salaries of non-certified staff members.Supt. Toni Hill stated that the salary schedule was reworked somewhat "to give a higher percentage for education toward a Master's degree and longevity."Board members also approved of hiring the firm of McKinstry out of Chesterfield, Mo. ...


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BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- Members of the Bloomfield Board of Education May 15 approved a raise for their certified staff and an increase in the salaries of non-certified staff members.Supt. Toni Hill stated that the salary schedule was reworked somewhat "to give a higher percentage for education toward a Master's degree and longevity."Board members also approved of hiring the firm of McKinstry out of Chesterfield, Mo. as they proceed with their updating project at the high school gymnasium. McKinstry works with entities -- most recently in Stoddard County with Bernie Public Schools -- to protect construction project budgets and to help save resources while conserving energy. The compoany advocates sustainable solutions designed to ensure comfort and improve efficiency as a project ensues while reducing operational costs. Improvements within the district, made possible by the passing of a bond issue presented to voters in the April municipal election, will initially involve an update and new entrance to the gymnasium. The project will be examined this summer and fall, but actual construction will not begin until the conclusion of the 2018-19 school year.Also approved Monday night was a proposal to partner with Springfield Public Schools that will provide quality credit recovery and advanced placement classes for Bloomfield students that are not currently offered on campus. "Springfield has an online school that we will work with to provide these courses," Hill explained.In executive session Monday night, three resignations were accepted by the board. Matthew Kohm, Cindy Whitaker and Ashleigh Hicks all submitted their notices of resignation. Additionally, the board approved the hiring of Jansen Williams and Lauren Matlock as elementary teachers, Emily Elliot and Wade Matthews as high school teachers, and Jessica Roper as elementary secretary. The board also approved the employment of the extra curricular staff as presented.In other business, the board approved:* Hiring Beussink, Hey, Roe & Stroder as auditors for the district;* The purchase of a 71-passenger bus with a camera system from Midwest Transit;* To solicit bids for the high school bathroom remodel project;* Agreed to table action on the district's breakfast and lunch prices.

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