May 16, 2018

All students within the Twin Rivers School district may soon not have to worry about filling out paperwork or having money in lunch accounts. The Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education unanimously voted to move forward with participation in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) during Tuesday evening's meeting...

All students within the Twin Rivers School district may soon not have to worry about filling out paperwork or having money in lunch accounts.

The Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education unanimously voted to move forward with participation in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) during Tuesday evening's meeting.

CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools and school districts in low-income areas which allows breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications.

Instead, schools that adopt CEP are reimbursed using a formula based on the percentage of students categorically eligible for free meals based on their participation in other specific means-tested programs.

"This is a wonderful program," Board member Donna Sue Ashcraft-Fincher said as the other members agreed.

Superintendent Jeremy Siebert said CEP will follow similar nutritional guidelines as to what is being served now.

He added the a la carte option will be absorbed through the CEP.

"The participation on that (a la carte) was so low this year we were headed that way anyway," he said.

The district is accepting food service bids and the board will be presented with the numbers during the July board meeting.

The cost for the district will be determined through participation of student's eating at the school.

Siebert said the cost for the district could be at most $50,000, but believes it will be "much less" due to predicted increased participation by absorbing a la carte and the meals being free.

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With moving forward to participate in CEP, the cost of adult lunch prices must be raised from $2.00 to anywhere from $2.25 to $2.50, Siebert said.

The cost of adult lunch prices is based on the price of student's meals and mandated through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The board also unanimously voted to purchase a 72-inch Kubota diesel lawn mower for $13,076 from Baker Implement in Poplar Bluff.

The Kubota lawn mower, to be used in Broseley, was one of four manufacture bids received.

The highest bid came from John Deere at $16,306. While Kubota was not the lowest bid, Custodial Supervisor and Transportation Director Jeff Snider recommended the brand because of features needed.

The lowest bid came from Hustler, but it did not include the features Snider wanted in the lawn mower.

New lawn mowers were purchased for Fisk and Qulin a couple years ago and Siebert said it was time to upgrade the mower to be used in Broseley.

During executive session, the board unanimously accepted the resignations of music teacher at Fisk, Stacey Burge, and Fisk teacher's aide Lauren Avarell.

Sandy Moore was hired as assistant technology director in a 6-1 vote, with board member David Dugger voting no.

The board also unanimously hired Carol Brotherton as a full time bus route driver, Chris Newman as high school head basketball coach, Ryan Alexander as K-8 physical education and coaching and Dalton Freshour as high school assistant baseball coach.

The next Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 26, at the Central Office board room.

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