May 3, 2018

Prospect-News A Ripley County man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to assaulting an elderly couple and their son with an ax while under the influence of methamphetamine. Christopher D. Waddell, 39, Doniphan, pleaded guilty April 16 in Ripley County Circuit Court to a Class B felony charge of second-degree assault (special victim)...


A Ripley County man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to assaulting an elderly couple and their son with an ax while under the influence of methamphetamine.

Christopher D. Waddell, 39, Doniphan, pleaded guilty April 16 in Ripley County Circuit Court to a Class B felony charge of second-degree assault (special victim).

Waddell was charged as a prior offender for a previous felony conviction, allowing Circuit Judge Michael Pritchett to add three years to a maximum sentence of seven years.

Waddell was arrested Jan. 20 following a three-hour standoff with law enforcement at a house near the end of the blacktop on Highway JJ east of Doniphan.

The standoff occurred after deputies were called about noon to a report of an assault in progress involving an ax.

Leroy and Shirley Kreiner told investigators they along with their son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Terry Kreiner, were returning home in Leroy's vehicle when they noticed a strange vehicle in the driveway of Leroy's son Kenneth's home, which is located on the couple's property.

Brian and Terry Kreiner reside in Minnesota and were visiting his parents.

Leroy Kreiner reported he saw the front door open to his son's residence and knew he was not home.

The family said that a man -- later identified as Waddell -- came out of the house with an ax.

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Waddell reportedly swung the ax at Leroy Kreiner and struck Brian Kreiner across the back and into the back of his elbow - cutting his arm.

The suspect also reportedly swung the ax at Shirley Kreiner while she was inside the vehicle -- missing her but striking the truck.

Waddell yelled numerous times for the family to leave or he would kill them, deputies reported. The family drove away and contacted law enforcement.

Deputies responding to the call reported they were flagged down by Brian Kreiner, who told them he had been struck by an ax.

Arriving at the house, the deputies reported they were confronted by Waddell, who had an ax in his right hand and a knife in his left hand.

The suspect reportedly stepped backwards into the doorway and told the officers he would kill them if they came any closer.

The deputies backed away and advised dispatch that Waddell had barricaded himself in the residence.

Addtional deputies, Missouri State Highway Patrol officers, conservation agents and emergency medical personnel arrived at the location.

During the standoff, Waddell reportedly broke windows out of the front of the residence and stuck the barrel of what appeared to be a rifle out of the window. The weapon was later discovered to be an air rifle.

After three hours of negotiations, Waddell walked out of the house unarmed and surrendered.

Waddell reportedly told officers that he had been taking meth and believed aliens were watching him.

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