April 27, 2018

A Facebook post setting a deadline for downtown streets to change from one-way to two-way traffic also caught some Poplar Bluff City Council members off guard this week, which city officials say was not intentional. South Broadway and Main streets will become two-way at 6 a.m. May 4, according to an announcement made Wednesday on the police department's social media page...

A Facebook post setting a deadline for downtown streets to change from one-way to two-way traffic also caught some Poplar Bluff City Council members off guard this week, which city officials say was not intentional.

South Broadway and Main streets will become two-way at 6 a.m. May 4, according to an announcement made Wednesday on the police department's social media page.

Officials with Poplar Bluff Fire Department and Butler County Sheriff's Department have said they were not notified of the decision prior to Wednesday.

Both agencies have also said two-way traffic will pose problems for their operations.

City manager Mark Massingham said in statements received Thursday afternoon that the fire department was aware of his opinion, and that of the police department.

There was some confusion in the way the information was announced, according to Massingham, who said he had not realized the police department was going to post the information to Facebook at that time.

The sheriff's department was not contacted previously because that section of Main Street had not really been discussed in previous meetings, he said.

The police department asked about that section Wednesday morning, saying they thought it should also become two-way, Massingham said. After discussions between the police department and Sheriff Mark Dobbs, Massingham said he believed the sheriff did not have a problem with the plan.

"I'm not sure what changed there," Massingham said.

Dobbs said when he was contacted Wednesday by a member of the police department, he did not want to argue with someone not in charge of the decision.

When asked why the matter was not a city council discussion item at previous meetings, Massingham said not all issues need council approval.

"During the year we make changes to streets, adding stop signs at citizens' request and other signage," Massingham said. "This was something that could be done administratively but council was aware of what direction we were headed."

The city manager is the designated traffic engineer.

"Before making any decisions on signage and roads, I always confer with the (police department) and get their recommendation before making any changes," Massingham said.

Massingham was asked why fire chief Ralph Stucker was not aware that a time had been set for the change until Stucker received a phone call from the Daily American Republic.

"The chief and I have talked about it several times and I know he has always been against it," Massingham said. "I was going to let him know and the (police department) sent out the press release earlier than I anticipated."

The last time everyone met to discuss this was Jan. 24, Massingham said. Stucker confirmed today that he was included in that meeting, saying he had been unsure of the date.

A written update was sent to the council a few weeks ago, Massingham said.

It read, "We are working on changing the one way streets in the downtown area to two way streets. I wanted to wait until MoDOT was finished with their sidewalk reconstruction along Pine Blvd. As most of you know, this was brought to us by the Downtown Poplar Bluff group over a year ago and was also suggested several years ago in the Missouri Main Street study that was done for Downtown Poplar Bluff."

Several of the council members confirmed they were not aware a date had been set for the change, with some agreeing with the decision and others opposing it.

While many business owners and managers along Broadway and Main were consulted about the change, some were never approached, said Barbara Horton, representative for Ward 3, which includes the downtown area.

"I knew changing one-way streets downtown to two-way traffic was being considered, but I was surprised to learn the decision from Facebook," she said in a written comment.

The fire department, as well as the Butler County Sheriff's Department, will be impacted while trying to respond to emergencies, Horton said, adding she is afraid the police department will be responding to more downtown accidents.

The city manager did a lot of research about this matter, said Ed DeGaris, the Ward 2 representative. Massingham was waiting for sidewalk work to be completed by the Missouri Department of Transportation, he said.

MoDOT did not see any problems with this, DeGaris said.

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"I support his decision. It will just take a little bit of getting used to," DeGaris said.

New council member Shane Cornman also said he supports Massingham's decision. Much of these discussions were held before he came on the council, Cornman said.

"I have full confidence in Mark and whatever decision he makes," Cornman said.

Mayor Susan McVey said she was shocked to read the announcement on Facebook, and the council was not informed of the official date prior to the press release.

She is extremely disappointed in the communication regarding the change, McVey said.

"I am not in favor of the change," she said, adding later, "The city manager is the traffic engineer so we must trust in his judgement. This was not a city council decision.

"Since the decision has been made, we will have to wait and see how well it works. The traffic direction can always be changed back if the city manager so chooses."

The streets have been one-way for more than 60 years, McVey said.

Ward 5 council member Robert Smith is also against the change, saying it should be left alone.

Stucker has said fire response to areas north and east of Main Street could be slowed down because of two-way traffic on Broadway. This would impact large areas of Smith's ward.

Smith said he has talked to several business owners downtown who want it to stay the same.

Fire department battalion chief Stacy Harmon also said he has spoken with many downtown businesses that are not in favor of the change.

Most businesses contacted by the DAR declined to comment on the matter.

The Rev. Greg Kirk of United Gospel Rescue Mission has said he is against it.

Council member at-large and mayor pro tem Steve Davis supports the idea to make the streets two-way.

"Hopefully, it will generate more activity and potential business in the downtown area by making it easier to navigate the streets," he said. "Now, you have to go out of the way and hit a side street in order to get to where you're going."

Attorney Robert Smith and Downtown Poplar Bluff are among those who have supported two-way traffic.

A study done on downtown development 10-12 years ago said accessibility is key, said attorney Robert Smith, who is involved with St. Vincent de Paul food pantry on Broadway.

"There's always resistance at first, but I think at the end it will make it easier for people to be downtown and visit downtown," he said.

The change was part of a strategic plan accepted by the council, said Downtown Poplar Bluff Director Jerrica Fox.

"We're very thankful the city has agreed to follow it," she said. "Everyone I was able to reach, was excited about it, especially our newer businesses to the area."

Two-way traffic has been shown to be a big part of downtown revitalization across the nation, she said.

Council member at-large Ron Black said he was not a part of the study and the decision to make these changes.

"At this point, I'll just have to wait and see how it works for us. I hope it works well," he said.

Stucker has also expressed concern about discussions regarding the creation of angled parking on downtown streets. It would be impossible to get trucks out of the firehouse with angled parking on that section of Broadway, Stucker said.

He is concerned that since the fire department was not told about the two-way traffic deadline, they may not be told about parking changes.

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