April 10, 2018

Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which we have just commemorated and celebrated, we have a living Lord and Savior, instead of a dead one. What a difference it makes in our religion and life. Some may say they cannot see as it makes much difference, for we have His teachings recorded in the Bible. ...

Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which we have just commemorated and celebrated, we have a living Lord and Savior, instead of a dead one. What a difference it makes in our religion and life. Some may say they cannot see as it makes much difference, for we have His teachings recorded in the Bible. But they do not understand the dynamics of Christianity. The driving force of the Christian religion is not strict observance of the moral law. Rather it is one's personal relationship with God through faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ.

The Psalmist said, "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy mercy and Thy truth's sake. Wherefore (or why) should the heathen say, Where is now Thy God?" Psalm 115:1,2. The heathen asked this question because the one true God could not be seen or touched, for He is Spirit, and not visible to the human eye. John 4:24. Their gods were made by their own hands of silver or gold, or wood or stone. They had mouths, but they could not talk. They had eyes and ears, but they could not see or hear and they had hands, but they could not reach out to touch a worshipper; but worst of all, they had no ability to show love or to satisfy the hungry spirit of the worshippers. Dead gods were they all.

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Thanks be unto the eternal, all-wise, all-loving and all-merciful God that manifested Himself in the person of His only begotten Son. He, having been born of a human mother and having been tempted in all points common to man was able to feel with us in our temptations and infirmities, and made fitted to become unto us a faithful and sympathetic high priest, or mediator between us and God.

He had to shed His blood to make atonement for our sins. He had to taste death for every man, thereby taking upon Himself the penalty rightly belonging to them. He had to mock death by His resurrection that He might offer us a like resurrection unto life eternal.

Let us praise God we do not have a dead Lord and Savior, but one that lives eternally, loves immeasurably and calls out a response from us to love, worship and serve Him with all our hearts.

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