March 29, 2018

By PAUL DAVIS Outdoors Editor The Southeast Missouri Sportsman's Association enjoyed its largest banquet ever last Saturday, and it was encouraging to see a strong crowd of more than 300 people support the decades-old organization. "I'm impressed with the crowd, which was the biggest we've ever had," said organizer Randy Daves of the event. "We had probably three times the number of kids there than we've had in the past."...


Outdoors Editor

The Southeast Missouri Sportsman's Association enjoyed its largest banquet ever last Saturday, and it was encouraging to see a strong crowd of more than 300 people support the decades-old organization.

"I'm impressed with the crowd, which was the biggest we've ever had," said organizer Randy Daves of the event. "We had probably three times the number of kids there than we've had in the past."

The banquet, Daves noted, "did well, and 100 percent of the money raised will go right into funding the Kids Fish and Fun Day."

The event outgrew its old location at the First Christian Church and was held this year at the Brown-Mabry American Legion Post 153 off Kanell Boulevard. By the looks of Saturday's crowd, it may soon outgrow the new facility, which would be a good problem to have.

"We're willing to grow," Daves said enthusiastically.

Over the years, the SEMO Sportsman's Association has done a lot of habitat work, particularly in the Cane Ridge area, but its focus over the last 20-plus years has been introducing children to the joys of fishing through its annual Kids Fish and Fun Day. This year, that event will take place on May 19.

Slow Start?

I'd heard there was a little turkey gobbling going on lately, so I made it a point to get out last weekend to listen. I should've known better because it was breezy and cold -- not the best conditions for good gobbling or hearing -- but I did hear two birds belt out a single gobble each.

With the persistent cool nights, it just doesn't seem like the turkeys have really started doing much in the spring ritual.

Then again, there doesn't look to be much of a turkey population, either. Driving around the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge with a camera Sunday morning, I saw only a single small group of birds, with one gobbler half-heartedly strutting.

Going Up Again

Wappapello and Clearwater Lakes have once again begun filling in with rainwater, and their levels are creeping higher.

At this point, Wappapello Ranger Tyler Stahl said, officials are looking at a crest Sunday of 361.5 feet, but that only accounts for rain which already has fallen. With the forecast, it's sure to go above that.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials in St. Louis, Mo., have not yet made a decision on whether they will draw the lake back down to winter pool after it crests or not. The predicted crest date falls within the lake's water management plan 15-day grace period of the normal April 15 transition date, so the Corps could simply leave it at summer pool.

The Little Rock District of the Corps has yet to provide an estimated crest date for Clearwater, but the lake did rise 12 inches overnight Wednesday, and it looks like the rise rate is quickening. As of Wednesday afternoon, the lake's tailwater discharge was only 472 cfs.

Before the latest round of rain, fishing had been pretty good, especially at Wappapello, where some dandy crappie have been taken lately.

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My guess is the influx of cold water will put the fish deep, so starting your efforts along the channel edge might be a good idea.

Also, if the lake gets high enough to flood some of the shoreline buttonbush, catfishing will turn on.

Paddlefish snagging remains decent below the Wappapello dam, and with the higher discharge, white bass also have begun showing up in the spillway area.

Bass Circuit

Apparently, local bass anglers were chomping at the bit to get on the water over the weekend, because the Wappapello Bass Circuit's tournament Saturday saw a whopping 75 teams competing.

At the end of the day, the team of Breckenridge and Cheatham came away the winners with a total weight of 19.4 pounds. They also had the day's big bass, which weighed 6.07 pounds.

Second place went to Sutton and Powell, who brought 17.07 pounds to the scale, while Govero and Francis' 16.84 pounds was good enough for third place.

Batton and Kearby had 14.45 pounds, good for fourth place, while fifth was earned by Blackburn and Harty with 14.28 pounds. They also had the day's second-largest bass, weighing 5.73 pounds.

Classic Tourney

For those who don't mind traveling a bit to fish or just enjoy trying different waters, the eighth annual Children's Homes, Inc., Casting for Kids Bass Classic will be held Saturday on Lake Norfork in north-central Arkansas.

Children's Homes, based in Paragould, Ark., cares for approximately 40 children and their families at its facility, plus offers foster services for another 65, so it's certainly a good cause to support.

The launch time for the tournament is set for 7 a.m. and the weigh-in will be held at 3 p.m.

Gary Cupp is the person to call to get registered or for more information, and his number is 870-239-4031, extension 140.

Tough Times

You may or may not be aware of the economic downturn in the outdoor industry over the last year or so, but recent actions are driving the point home.

Firearms manufacturers, in particular, are facing sagging sales after boosting production before the 2016 presidential election, and America's oldest gun maker, Remington, last week was forced to do what many thought would never happen -- the company, which owes creditors $252 million, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

What Remington's future holds is unclear, and its parent company, Cerberus Capital Management/Freedom Group Inc., will make that determination in the coming months.

Retail equipment sales in the outdoor industry also have fallen dramatically, and longtime high-end manufacturer L.L. Bean has been forced to lay off 100 of its staff, even after almost 500 employees took an offer for early retirement in February.

While the company employs about 6,000 people in its manufacturing facilities and retail stores, the voluntary retirements and layoffs still comprise 10 percent of its workforce, a significant hit which highlights a disturbing trend in the industry.

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