March 16, 2018

By PASTOR FRANK CHLASTAK "Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature.Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved." Ever since Jesus gave that command to the first disciples, the followers of Jesus have tried to follow that command in each epoch to the best of their ability...


"Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature.Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved."

Ever since Jesus gave that command to the first disciples, the followers of Jesus have tried to follow that command in each epoch to the best of their ability.

2,000 years ago, it began with the spoken words of Jesus being shared from person to person.

By the early 1300s the invention of the printing press enabled masses of people to read Jesus words for themselves.

Today as followers of Jesus we have many methods of sharing the good news of Jesus by use of internet, radio, television, social media and new digital technology.

Last Sunday, the members of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) dedicated its new Daktronics sign in memory of Violet Montgomery to share the good news to all who pass by the church.

First Christian's digital sign has been operational since the week before Christmas 2017.

The church's old sign was removed and replace by Bootheel Sign Company of Poplar Bluff.

"Carl Grobe and his crew did an awesome job in removing, replacing and refurbishing our old sign with the new digital sign. During the early part of December 2017 the weather did not cooperate with the removal and replacement, but Bootheel Sign Company worked in the wintry weather to assure us that we would have the sign operational for the Christmas season," said Rev. Frank J. Chlastak.

"In 2018 we have to use all the means available to reach those of our generation. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and new sign technologies has been made available to the church to spread the good news of the gospel and we must use them to share the message of God's love." added Chlastak

The funds for the digital sign were made available through the use of interest from the Violet Montgomery Trust.

Prior to her declining heath, Violet established the Violet Montgomery Trust in 1984 for the Outreach Ministry of sharing the gospel through First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.)

Violet passed away in 2002.

Violet married Earl Bradley, who was a Missouri State Trooper. They had a son, Bill Bradley. Earl died at an early age.

She later married Ralph Montgomery.

Violet lived a quiet, unassuming life style.

Violet lived in a house that was small, but pristine on Lighthouse Drive.

Violet worked at the Florsheim Shoe Factory of Poplar Bluff most of her adult life Monday through Friday. On weekends she worked as a nurse's aide at the Doctor's Hospital of Poplar Bluff. Violet worked seven days a week, but always found time for her church. Violet loved her church and was a member of the Gleaners Sunday School class She attended regularly until her health did not permit. She wanted both to grow.

Even when she was in a care facility she made sure that a class member came by each week to pick up her church offering.

Violet was a petite woman always nicely dressed, and, Violet never came to church without her hat.

Even when women stopped wearing hats to church she could be spotted in the sanctuary with her signature hat sitting in the front of the church.

Violet was known as the "Flower Lady" of First Christian Church and encouraged the church property committee to put in the various flower beds around the church and she worked tirelessly in maintaining them.

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When she could no longer maintain the flower beds, she sought out various Sunday school classes such as the Men's Bible Class and the Homebuilders Class to maintain the flower beds

Violet originally named three trustees to administer the trustees, Matt Richardson, Jan Duffy, and Mack Warren. When Mack Warren resigned as a trustee, he was replaced by Joe Hillis. When Joe Hillis passed away Betty Jackson was added. Betty Jackson, Matt Richardson, and Jan Duffy are the current trustees.

Violet originally did her estate planning in 1984 via a Trust document that was to distribute her estate upon her death.

According to Violet her wishes in establishing the trust limited expenditures to income generated by fund investment, holding the principal intact.

She provided that the income should be used solely "to support programs of the church with the primary purpose of increasing the membership and community outreach of the church", or what we now commonly refer to as "church growth".

She directed that the church board should propose expenditures and submit them to the trustees for approval. Only interest from the principle investment may be used.

The first expenditures were requested by the church board and approved in 2005 and consisted of a mail outreach campaign directed toward increasing attendance and membership, and some media advertising.

Richardson said, "Through the years the trustees have received and approved expenditures for TV and radio advertising, mail campaigns, books, banners, bulletins, church welcome programs, Christmas cards, gospel and music events, baseball field events and maintenance, and more recently, coffee fellowship. Even as the fund was depleted for these purposes, the investment continued to grow. When the proposal for the digital sign was made, we as trustees believed strongly that this would improve and enhance the visibility and the messaging ability of the church, and thus was well within the parameters of the trust."

Jan Duffy, Trustee, recalls Violet mostly in the sanctuary.

Duffy said, "She and a half dozen ladies of her age--probably from her Sunday school class--sat together in a row nearer the front of the church than the back."

Duffy added, "She was faithful in that as long as she could be."

Duffy recalls that "She had her gardening hats on pegs by the back door of her home" when she visited her.

Duffy concluded, "I didn't know Violet well. I was surprised and honored when she asked that I become a trustee. I have tried to fulfill her wishes as I understood them. She was a pillar of the church in every sense. I hope we can fulfill her wish to see it continue to share God in the community."

Violet was a person known for always being very serious.

She was a no nonsense person.

Betty Jackson recalls = "Violet was really frugal, but careful with her money. She always supported her Sunday school class and church with her offering."

She may have been always frugal with spending for her own needs, but generous concerning the needs of others.

Perhaps Violet's life represented one who was frugal and careful about spending money or using things when she did not need them orusing money or supplies in a very careful way we should all emulate.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples not to accumulate wealth in Matthew 6:19âˆ'24. "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.'"

Later Jesus added, "'do not worry, then, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For after all these things the nations seek, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Do not worry, then, about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.'"

Perhaps the reason that Violet was frugal or careful with her funds was she lived through the Great Depression and the rationing of goods during World War 2.

People who lived during these times had a greater sense of what the true value of a "days work for a day's pay" meant.

At best during her working career, Violet in essence probably never made over the prevailing wage at the time but through the vision of Violet Montgomery and the guidance of the Trust Committee Violet's wishes for the good news of the gospel to continue to touch the lives of her community will continue.

Violet, our "Flower Lady" loved her flowers, but she loved her church more.

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