March 8, 2018

When citizens step inside the voting booth on April 3, they will be presented with Proposition K.I.D.S. for the purpose of building a new high school in Broseley and help pay for improvements completed throughout the district over the summer. The proposition will ask whether or not to increase the operating tax levy ceiling by $1.1500 from $3.0279, currently, to $4.1779 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the 2018 tax year and can be applied to the assessed valuation for each year thereafter through tax year 2037.. ...

When citizens step inside the voting booth on April 3, they will be presented with Proposition K.I.D.S. for the purpose of building a new high school in Broseley and help pay for improvements completed throughout the district over the summer.

The proposition will ask whether or not to increase the operating tax levy ceiling by $1.1500 from $3.0279, currently, to $4.1779 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the 2018 tax year and can be applied to the assessed valuation for each year thereafter through tax year 2037.

While there are still several unknowns about the building project until put to a vote by the board of education, a series of question and answer sessions will be held next week to provide information to the public.

The informational meetings will be held from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday at the high school.

"Information is the number one thing I want to get out there," Superintendent Jeremy Siebert said. "I want to get the correct information out there and let the public make the most informed decision."

According to Siebert, he and Logistics Committee members will be on hand to answer questions regarding number and size of potential classrooms, the tax proposition and more during the meetings.

On Wednesday, the Logistics Committee also will be providing tours at 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. of both the B and C buildings at the high school.

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If Proposition K.I.D.S. passes, these buildings would become the proposed Middle School location for grades 5-8.

This tour is being offered to view the buildings, rooms and possible classroom locations in relation to the current building.

Informational boards also will be on display to provide more information about the potential project as well as artist renderings.

Representatives from L.J. Hart & Company and CTS Group are expected to be present at the Wednesday meeting to answer financial and project questions as well and provide food for anyone who sent an RSVP.

To better assist in figuring how the proposed tax increase would effect individuals, a tax calculation tool has been linked on the Twin Rivers: Proposition KIDS Facebook page and Twin Rivers RX SD Twitter page.

To see the tax increase if the proposition were to pass, individuals will enter their total assessed value (not appraised value) into the calculator and will be given their annual tax increase per day, per week and for the 20 years.

If interested citizens are not able to attend one of the question and answer sessions, committee meetings are held at 4:30 p.m. each Wednesday in the Central Office Board Room and are open to anyone for questions.

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