To the Editor,
Well another senseless act of violence at another school full of innocent children. Another reason for gun haters to start bellowing about gun control and how it is needed so badly to help curb the problems. I really would be at fault if I did not speak up and tell everyone to shut up. I am sorry about being so blunt about it but yes, shut up. Quit you're whining and crying about these senseless acts and I say this why? Because more than likely if this young man would have been brought up in a home where the parents would have some, well you know, this young man probably would not have committed this ha-nice act of terrorism. His parents, who he did not live with by the way, were no where in the picture, probably out protesting some other type of movement against their local politicians. I am so sick and tired of politics and the politicians trying to sell the point guns are a bad thing. Think about it. Look at the Governors race in Illinois. Can anyone tell me what platform they are running on? What their goals are for the people of Illinois. A state where they can't even pass a budget and have not since about 2013. Instead you are seeing attack ads against the other. Now go ahead and tell me politics are a positive thing. As the great Charlie Daniels wrote in his song, "Simple Man", the lyrics fit this situation to a "T".
There's crooked politicians and crime in the street
And I'm madder'n hell and I ain't gonna take it no more.
We tell our kids to just say no, then some panty waist Judge
Lets a drug dealer go, Slaps on the wrist and then he turns him
Back out on the town.
Now here is the part where I believe we have really messed up on. Read carefully:
Well, you know what's wrong with the world today,
People done gone and put their Bible's away.
They're living by the law of the jungle, not the law of the land.
Tell me if I am wrong about this? We have taken Bibles and prayer out of our schools and this is where all the shootings take place ... can you say IRONIC?
God Bless you all...
Roger Burton
Poplar Bluff, Missouri