March 7, 2018

Need to call a killer a killer Yes, I see they've had another school shooting. When is people gonna wake up and turn to God like they need to be? When are they gonna quit callin' these people suspects when other people see them do it and they say "yes, I pulled the trigger, I, I did this, I killed them" and yet on TV they say they are a suspect. ...

Need to call a

killer a killer

Yes, I see they've had another school shooting. When is people gonna wake up and turn to God like they need to be? When are they gonna quit callin' these people suspects when other people see them do it and they say "yes, I pulled the trigger, I, I did this, I killed them" and yet on TV they say they are a suspect. Well no, they're a killer! Why don't we call 'em a killer like they are? And then we'll wait two or three years for the lawyers to do their thing and to pull it out and out and out for two or three more years so they can get more money out of the state 'cause most of 'em don't pay their own lawyer. When are people gonna wake up? Life is not worth anything anymore. Used to we hung 'em.

Bullying is school

shooting problem

Why do boys shoot school kids in their school? Bullying is the problem. They need to start there. In my grade school in 1940 we had a bully. He didn't have a dad. Children need to be taught right from wrong they need to have manners. Keep their mouth clean or no bad words. They need a mother and a dad that loves them and teach their children. They need to grow up and work.
